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An easy one for you all:

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jhosking1981 | 22:03 Fri 02nd Nov 2007 | Riddles
8 Answers
A father and his son are driving a car down a country lane, when the father
loses control of the car and crashes into a tree.
The father is killed instantly, but the son gravely injured, survives.
The son is immediately rushed to hospital, and is prepared for emergency
surgery, but when he is taken in to the operating theatre, the surgeon
turns round and says:
"I can't operate on this boy. He's my son."

How is this possible?


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it's his mum.! ya! i got one
this is been around on here for simply ages and ages, you really should get out more.
saintpeter. Should that be "has" as opposed to "is"?

The reason I ask is I have been on AB for about 5 years and have never seen this riddle before.

May I therefore suggest you keep such comments to yourself. This will save ridicule as when one criticises, they must come accross as better, smarter and fairly eloquent to be taken seriously.

Just an idea my friend.


saintpeter....shouldn't that be across instead of....oh, no matter
I think I've seen this before;

devilwoman Thurs 22/02/07 16:48
Andy008 Thurs 24/03/05 00:50
his mum
so you/we/them/i are having a pop at me for not having the correct pronunciation!!! all i am saying is that this particular riddle has been around for years and years and I've seen it on here two or three times.
Stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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