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Em Drive

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clive-gill | 21:14 Wed 27th Dec 2017 | Science
7 Answers
hi peeps, can the E.M. drive attain light speed any thoughts ?


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Not unless it can generate infinite energy to move it's infinite mass.
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please explain in layman's terms as I thought that the E.M. drive required no fuel therefor infinite energy, cheers for the quick reply
Pointless debate as there is no theoretical consensus as to how a resonant cavity could produce enough power from an electromagnetic field within it.
Even if you can demostrate a small amount of thrust it is no evidence one can get a useful amount let alone near light speed. It matter little that you need no fuel, as I understand it Einstein's theories don't depend on fuel but a relationship between velocity and mass.
In layman's terms, we're not clever enough to know yet.
The EM Drive (almost certainly) either can't possibly work -- any positive results reported so far being more than likely due to experimental errors or misinterpretations -- or, since it already breaks at least one fundamental law of physics, may well end up breaking a few more.

I seriously doubt that it even works at all. Speculating over whether it can attain light speed seems a bit premature at this stage. But it wouldn't need to reach such speeds to be either (a) useful or (b) a remarkable breakthrough in propulsion.

At this point, as I understand it, the concept is still being actively researched, so maybe in a few years the idea will either finally disappear or finally prove valid, somehow. I can't say I am holding my breath, but we'll see.

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