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95 Percent!

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Sinead_O | 13:56 Mon 30th Oct 2023 | Science
112 Answers

I was shocked to recently read this statistic-Ninety-five per cent of the ocean is unexplored. 

What’s down there? Why do we, as a race, spend millions on exploring space, yet who knows what is only a few miles away- seven miles at it's deepest?  



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I agree again Andy.

Douglas - If your post is aimed at me, you'll need to expand a little.

If you are simply being rude, I can ignore you. 

What's your pleasure?

The only place past the moon we've got any chance of reaching is Mars.

It's cold and there's not much there apart from rocks.

We'd do better to value the place we actually live at the moment, which is brilliant.

When someone suggests 'colonising the ocean' you know you're in the twilight zone. 


Why? It's no more or less hostile than space.

It has unsustainable pressure, no breathable air, it's just a bit closer to get to.

//When someone suggests 'colonising the ocean' you know you're in the twilight zone. //

Who suggested that?

SINEAD posted, "I'm genuinely intrigued- But why couldn't we colonise the ocean floor if we can conolise other oxygen-free environments? "

Andy-Hughes, human beings in space aren't subjected to 'unsustainable pressure' and you have no idea whether or not planets/moons with 'breathable air'exist.  

Bring it on Andy, you versus Naomi is priceless reading on AB.

Who would waste money buying a book when this is free!!

Naomi  - You are being pedantic. 

Under the sea you would implode,in space you would explode. 

The hostilities are something to overcome, eventually, but both represent challenges beyond Mankind at the moment.

But in the distant future, who knows?

//in space you would explode. //


Err .....????

I agree - it seems bizarre to spend millions and billions on space exploration when there is so much of the blue planet yet to be discovered.

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I thought this was interesting: "Lessons learned from ocean colonization may prove applicable to space colonization. The ocean may prove simpler to colonize than space and thus occur first, providing a proving ground for the latter. "

I've read that in space the blood boils.

Coincidentally there's lots of space on Answerbank. X

That's not blood, douglas.  That's just hot air.

Aww, don't be so hard on yourself!!

No response to my post at 07.38, andy-hughes?

Oh yes, of course.

In space, the absence of pressure means the human body would explode.

Under the sea, excess pressure means the body would implode.

If you need a lesson in basic biology and physics, I am happy to help out.

" The ocean may prove simpler to colonize than space and thus occur first, providing a proving ground for the latter. " - seriously? We don't even live on most of the land, why would we move under water?

andy-hughes, Before presuming to educate anyone else, educate yourself.


That aside, for obvious reasons human beings couldn't venture into the depths of the ocean or into space unprotected and that hasn't been proposed.  In either situation they would die because they couldn't breathe.  But that isn't the issue here.   It's a silly argument and it detracts from the question.

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