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merciful alarm clock?

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DaSwede | 16:57 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | Gift Ideas
386 Answers
Have any of you tried the zen alarm clock?


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now that's not what you really said is it shaney? :o)
Don't worry about correcting Jude, Robi, she's obviously feeling the effects of her night out! I am green with jealousy! I want to rock 'n'roll !!!!!
Aww possums... how lovely to be rattled to life by a pair of glowing nostrils courtesy of jno, ha ha ha - and jno as to your second picture that IS one of my most handsome admirers. Thanks everybody for all your piccies, I'm saving them, to boost my... not ego, but something. To warm my heart. Make room in the sin bin Vinny, I'm putting Neti there beside you. Neti dear Neti I'm gonna have to ask Ed to edit your post... Now we have my drawing site username and my given name - ANYONE WANNA POST MY SURNAME?? ;-) Neti I'll write you an email later tonight and explain, there are other reasons apart from the obvious one - sorry to sound so cryptic but you'll understand when you read my email. (If ever I get round to writing it - phone keeps ringing...) I hope Ed doesn't remove your link though, Neti - reading the link name I was most terribly excited to see what was gonna pop up... (but 'pimp' is 'ponce' in England, I've just learned).

I'm not doing anything today but my youngest half sis is in town on other business and we'll meet up on Monday so I'll think of that as my birthday dinner. Woofy I'll pass your puppy information on to her, thanks very much for replying. I kinda hope they wait till the next litter, but if she's already seen the puppy well that ain't gonna happen is it...)

Clock for Jude (I've posted it before but hey they're biddies, they won't remember)
HEEE HEEE!! What a plonker I am been thinking it's sunday all day, It's an age thing I suspect. Nice cloco Kit just what I need.
Can't spell Can't send questions or answers without I put in my user name and password whatever's happening.
Don't worry Jude, I didn't know what day it was first thing this morning ..and yesterday I decided to do the ironing .....and went & got the vac out.....can't help with the signing in though, sorry

Hi Kit, hope you're ok...oh I can do even better, I can post a pic of your house...

C'mon, give us a wave

.....oooh, no need for that.....

You share a birthday with my son's partner, so I shall remember next year!!

I have been gardening..................... yes gardening. All my bulbs are now planted!! And I have taken the dog for a walk across the fields. I must be getting better!!

Had the Piggy Flu jab this morning. I didn't even feel a pin twit. Same as last week's ordinary Flu Jab. The needles are so much finer now than when I had jabs as a kid!!
Actually I meant to say holly jockey sticks Robinia :)

I've been really harrassed and never want to see another currant bun as long as I live .I went out with sis in law and her sister on Thursday to visit a friend who's been in hospital and they roped me in to make cakes for a bazaar they are having today All day yesterday,trays and trays of buns and tray bakes .I was up to my ears in date slices. We did have a laugh though .

Now ,I have to go the hospital on Monday evening at seven (if you ever) to have my legs and socks checked at this special clinic they are holding for gammy legged people .The ruddy socks keep falling down anyway and I have to keep hitching them up . They were really tight but they've gone loose .Perhaps I don't wash them correctly .
Must have been nice up your way then Lofty .It's been dull and foggy here all day .
Toodlepip for now .Mr.S has got that starving orphan look on his face and is poking about in the fridge :)
You're always saying Shaney that five minutes after you get nicely dressed you look as if somebody had dragged you backwards through a hedge so I'm not surprised to hear about your socks. Made me think of Pippi Longstocking :)

Ha ha Robinia is that Queen Wally-Kit (as in Find Wally) waving from IKEAham Palace...? I'm not sure if your hoping I'm okay means you didn't see my previous post today - I know they disappear sometimes only to reappear later, but I'm right there third post above you. I liked the boots photo, I have similar ones (told y'all I like the military style!)

No doubt your son's partner is very very nice, Lottie! I should have been born Nov 26 but I was in too much of a hurry to get out and greet the weekend - I was born at 19.25 in the evening on a Friday :) Anyway how you feeling after the jab, Lottie?
Oh Fluff, Fluff, Fluff. I just typed a long message and it's disappeared!!!
Trying again:

Hi again. Ha ha Shaney. Take those rollers out before you go to that clinic on Monday. Hope all goes well for you.

Perhaps they will give you something more glamorous for your poor legs. I do feel sorry for you having to wear those socks all the time.

Had to do it in two parts. Didn't think it was that long!!??

The weather wasn't very good, but it was dry and not blowing a gale and I just had to get the last of the bulbs out. It is now pouring with rain!!

I had a letter from the hospital today. Xray appointment for "pelvic area and lats"!! What are lats? Any ideas welcome?? Have to go to doctors next week for second part of MOT.

Swedie, I have had no ill effects from the first flu jab last week and hopefully none from this one. Touch wood!
Yes Ivan's partner is very, very nice Swedie - a younger version of Amanda Holden!!


But she seems totally oblivious to just how pretty she is. Anyway they make a lovely couple, ahhhhh. It's nice to have a girl to buy pretty things for on birthdays, Christmas's etc. As much as I love boys they are so difficult to buy for.

I'm now cooking Roast Chicken for dinner.

(By the way Swedie, don't take any notice of what Shaney says, she always looks beautifully turned out when I see her and is a very attractive lady!)
Trying that link again.

Lats means Laterals Lofty .They'll take the xrays something like this .
In other words from all angles !
I don't feel very well turned out today :) I think I'd be turned away from anywhere in case I frightened the natives .
Yours Nora xx
Well, Lottie, according to my acronym dictionary it means Large Aperture Tracking System.

Legs internally rotated at 15 degrees eh Shaney!! Gee thanks. Sounds somewhat painful!! And what's that about frog legs??!!


Check your emails soon!!

and Swedie I am certainly a Large Aperture!!

Hahaa ---I don't think they expect you to swing your leg up that high Lofty :)
It can be uncomfortable having hips xrayed though ,especially if they are crunchy like mine are but it's only a few seconds until they press the button .And you must keep still ! No wriggling .
I have had them Xray'd on several occasions Shaney but lats were not requested before. Thanks for the explanation. There is something in your intray now!!! Nite nite xxx

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