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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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Does anyone think Vinny has been spirited away? The silence made by his absence is deafening! Do hope he is still alive and well. Glad to say now recovering from my Bronchitis bout ,just need some energy to get about. For everyone else recovering hope it's soon.
Talking of cakes my favourite were Maids of Honour and anything with marzipan on /in it.
Never heard of Tunis cakes -Eccles cakes ,yes but not Tunis.
How's the gardening going ? I still need a gardener but at this rate no-one will be able to see the house for the trees and bushes .My brother here on holiday but he is worse than my other half when it comes to gardening.Ah well that's life eh . Time for the cocoa and bed ,keep well and all the best to all.
Hi Dolly</B glad you are up and about. Gardening is a dirty word in my house, we don't do it.
I'm sorry, I give up, there I go shouting again,

Robi have you any inside info on Vinny not that you can share with us, but to let us know if he is never going to return to our ample bosoms!
Morning folks
Fair to middling here .Hope you are all OK .
I like your specs Robinia .I might go for something like that . I have these metal framed ones and they irritate sometimes as I have nickel allergy . ...especially when I fall asleep with them on and they end up stuck to the side of my face !
I have to go an buy food in a minute ....I may slip a nice cake into the trolley :) Have a nice weekend all .
morning tout...bright 'n breezy here. I wish I was, I've got a pea-souper fog in my head again...maybe if I can potter outside this afternoon it'll blow it away for a while.
The garden's really come alive this week Dolly, the daffs are out & a selection of horticultural operatives have been pencilled in for jobs to be done this year...well, you have to book 'em early or they're off to do the posh folks on t'other side of town. As I type there's a buxom wench of a wood pigeon kindly clearing up twigs from my garden & building in a tall conifer a short distance away...must be one bouncy bed up there in this wind!

Hope you had a good day woofy & that the change of scenery did you cleaning activity is minimal to none existant at the moment, so long as the kitchen/bathroom are acceptible that's all I can be bothered with.

Thanks shaney, they're very light & comfortable to wear, I got more acclimatised to them yesterday & the cakewalk effect's a bit less... I can watch the tele in bed! haha, I don't mean I can see through the ceiling, they're not that good, it's a tiny thing that I inherited years ago & gradually it's got blurrier over the past yr or so but now I can even read subtitles, deep joy. I can keep the sound low & me neighbour won't know I'm watching dodgy stuff on Five. :o)

Sorry neti, no idea... if I had an ample bazoom I'd be the first to welcome back Vinny back to it.
Please can anyone tell me the nights that Eatenders and Corrie are on? than k you.
Mondays....7.30-8.00 and 8.30-9.00
Weds .........7.30-8.00
Fridays......7.30-8.00 and 8.30-9.00

Hi all we had a really posh day yesterday, we went to b and q to buy a new hose to replace the one the dogs chewed that got frozen in the winter and split in multiple places. We now have the rolls royce of hoses and it will be firmly kept away from the dear doggies at all times. We went back to the 70's for dinner...had fondue and watched close encounters on dvd...oddly neither of us had seen it before. Sadly we both nodded off halfway through so we will be doing that thing tonight where you rewind to the last bit you can remember. I too am at minimal cleaning level....provided the loo is clean and the washing up under control...what i call rule one living. Rule one as everyone knows is "make sure when you go to bed at night that there is room in the kitchen to make the first cup of tea without having to wake up all the way"
are we getting any email contact from vinny does anyone know?
Has anyone seen "Marley and Me" it's a terrific film about a lovely naughty dog, you'll love it Woofy reminds me of your two!!
Thanks Robi does anyone know if there was an Eastenders last night cos can't find it anywhere.
no neti 'twas comic relief/red nose day whatever it's called these days
oops, missed you woofy ...sounds like a good day. If the film industry relied on me they'd have stopped making them by now but I have seen Close Encounters....
<♫....doo do doo do dooooo...♫>
Haha.. woofy .....I am forever rewinding to the last bit I can remember . I got the new series of Bones way back in January and I am still on Disc 1 .I can't wait for "the kiss" but I never to seem to make it .
And I have just gone loopy and ordered some DVD's Brideshead ..the film and a few others . The other Boleyn Girl ,Tea with Mussolini and Ladies in Lavender ..I'll report back next Christmas :)
Ladies in Lavender is a lovely film but I like anything with Maggie Smith and Judi Dench in it!
well I don't know much about time zones, but if you're looking in I believe it's your birthday on the 15th jno...
No Vinny to confirm so I'm hoping I've got the right day to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!
...hope you're over your lurgy by now & having a great time.

we'll save you a slice

('spect flip-flops are the mode du jour where you are....tut)
Happy Birthday Jno . I'm sure it's today Robi I made a note ages ago .

Anyway have a lovely day Jno it's beautiful here hope it is with you.

Not doing much today. Drowning my sorrows after Derby lost yesterday 4 - 2. Should be cleaning my car really. Might do it later on if I can motivate myself.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

I can't help but think Vincent has deserted us. I have emailed him with no response.
Maybe he will come back one day. I hope so as I miss his posts.

Went round to my sisters last night and we watched an Australian production of the Pirates of Penzance. It was terrific. Very funny and brilliantly done. The Choreography especially. It was on dvd that her brother-in-law copied for her.

See yer later 'gater(s)!! x
Oh thanks Jude, I think I got it wrong last year...yes, I think we've been dumped...if it's that Nicole woman I'll put her lights out.
Morning folks ... lovely sunny day here .
And here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday Jno .
Have a lovely day and Many Happy returns ..
Well there's no breakfast ready of a Sunday anymore and when he left he forgot to put the light out .Bit worrying though isn't it ? I hope he's OK .Do you think we should put an announcement in The Woolly Courier or something .
I am a happy bunny .Larkrise tonight and then The No1 Ladies will be rolling into town .Yippee ..been waiting for what seems like ages for it .
Yoohoo Jno ..all sounds absolutely idyllic :)
I read the marley book a while ago...its a lovely story.
Beautiful sunny day here today with the scent of roast chicken stuffed with sage and onon stuffing with added whole chestnuts wafting through the house...its lovely when you get your appetite back (but dangerous!) Pups are behaving themselves (that's a first) they went out to have a woof in the garden because someone is mowing out there but quieted down when told (I know, I can't believe it either) and are now having a doze next to OH.
Does anyone know vinny's real name to google him on?

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