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dbevhead | 17:52 Sat 11th Jun 2005 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
my wife wants &quot;la pergola&quot;lingerie for our anniversary (not wishing to sound cheap )but where is the lowest price SHOP not on line<PRE></PRE>


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I've never heard of La Pergola, and Google hasn't yielded any results.  Are you sure it isn't 'La Perla'? 
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oops not a very good husband ,only been married 27years and still take no notice of her   Yes you are right
-- answer removed -- is good
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on line is no good i need to be able to get there sunday or monday. Distance no problem within 150 miles of birmingham
try debenhams in the bull ring bham..

Any kind of fairly swanky department store will be a good bet.  Or you could go onto the website and see if there is a number to call for your nearest stockists.

Good luck!

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job done thank you all

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