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Lego advent calendars

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sherrardk | 21:11 Tue 06th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
24 Answers
Has anybody seen these at a good price (either in a shop or on the net)? I need the Starwars one (which is normally £25) and the girl one (about £17). I am not big on browsing in shops and live in Hicksville so not much choice anyway - any saving would be brill considering how many I need to buy, thank you.


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most smiths sell them, i do at work
I didn't know they even existed, is it wrong that I want one now?
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Thanks for that, but the cheap ones are old ones (they have different versions of the Starwars ones), always forget about eBay for shopping though, thanks for reminding me. Had hoped that boy#2 would say he didn't want one but now have to buy four and give boy #1 the money instead (I know I don't have to, but I started this so it's my fault).
Are these just one piece of Lego behind each window? I'm intrigued by them and whether they would be suitable for my grandchildren.
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They are brilliant - the Starwars one last year had Yoda in a Father Christmas outfit. Hi Dotty, was hoping to get a deal somewhere as they work out expensive.
they're selling really fast though, probably all be gone by the end of this week
Sorry that didn't help, sher.

They look brilliant though.
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Each window has a mini figure or mini thing depending upon which one you get. The Starwars one will have mini x-wing fighters, etc. The ordinary (cheaper one) will have bits of Lego to make some Christmas things and some random things and some mini- figures. It's all proper sized Lego. Not sure how ago the girl one will be as I wasn't overly impressed with some of the girl Lego we have bought.
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Sherr, just had a quick look on Ebay (as I didn't know what they were) and the ones from last year are selling for 45 quid!!! Jeez!
They do look good. My youngest wants a Playmobil calender, which is the same kind of thing.
Thanks for the link Sherrard, I think they may be a little too advanced for my grandchildren, maybe next year though as they look really good.... and better than stuffing them full of more chocolate :)
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Bluestone, we have had Play mobile ones and I wasn't overly impressed (not a play mobile house), but I do remember it had some nice animals and Father Christmas.
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I lost the will to live looking for the cheapest, etc and my Internet is so slow I bought them from the Lego shop (free shipping for deliveries over £50)
Ah cool. Well my little'un is only 4, so I reckon she'd be ok with the Playmobil one. Eldest wouldn't be interested though, although he'd love the Stars Wars one, I'm sure. Will have a look when I go into town tomorrow.
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My 4 year old had one last year (to be like his big brother). I'm sure they will love whatever you get for them.
Goodness me, what happened to the excitement of opening a little window and finding.....a PICTURE inside? Yet another example of capitalism holding parents to ransom. And while we're about it..what for Pete's sake has Star Wars got to do with the Advent season...Oh I guess there was a star!!!???
They're used to just the 'standard' choc ones, so I'm sure they will!
Thanks for the heads up :-)
I was about 35 when I got my first advent calendar, I'm really hoping my second one might be a Lego one!!!
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Angel, did you not read my earlier post - last year Yoda was dressed as Father Christmas! I doesn't get much better than that.

Eccles - it's a bit of a disappointment now as none of them need my help to put the bits together :(

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