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Next - shopping on line free delivery

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Robinia | 16:23 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Shopping & Style
730 Answers
I'm probably being a really dumb biddy but I don't do much on-line shopping!
Next are offering free delivery but where do you put the code? As you 'add to bag' it makes out your order but I don't see a space for special codes and the total adds on the delivery charge.
Hope this makes sense, I'm losing the plot today. Thanks.


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yes, snow forecast tomorrow here (not much) and those ice grips have sold out until next month. They probably wouldn't arrive until I've gone on holiday and then they'll be lost on a Royal Mail shelf somewhere forever. So I'll have to put off ordering until autumn should I live so long.

Sorry it wasn't the gas causing the headaches Robinia... well, you know whatI mean, it would have been such a neat explanation and you'd have solved the problem. My sympathies also to anyone who's slashed veins and poured in lemon juice, or is having tests, or is buying bags.
Non of which am i doing, I am outside the back door frying chips with 3 south american neighbours staring at me, we are on alert for freezing temps wind and rain!
The mind boggles Neti. On what are you frying chips outside and why on earth are you not inside. No wonder your neighbours have come out to see the spectacle - that mad British woman is at it again folks...........................
I expect they think it's a monastery and she is the chief friar... or maybe just the chip monk.
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By heck, it's turned cold here...
I think I've got a virus, seems there's something achey going about &, and as a lovely locum doc once pointed out, any virus I have will feel ten times worse on top of the fibro.

Well I think I'm up to speed with the thread hasn't taken me all this time, haha, I was on the phone for ages .... went off to do some dinner...and then I got distracted reading stuff << out there. Funny how when a thread gets heated the same names appear to start chipping in without actually contributing anything. Sorry, I'll shurrup, it just irritates the hell out of me.

What lovely wedding pics, your husbands do all look spookily similar. I love your elegant 60s pose in your costume Jude :o). I was your 'negative' for my wedding, I had a navy suit with white accessories. It was a register office do too, with a disco & buffet at a small club in town. I probably shouldn't be posting these...the gritted teeth are because it was perishingly cold & it had just started late afternoon there was about a foot of the stuff.


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By the way jno, your random quip about being left out of your m-i-l's will made me laugh...still feeling sore about it? hahahaha... Ne'er mind, I won't be in mine either.
What lovely photos Robi. How old were you. He looks very young indeed and very trendy. At last a husband (or an ex husband) without a beard!! What year was it. Your platforms remind me that I wore platform boots at our wedding!!

I was 'sort of diagnosed' with ME (after the worse of it and before it was accepted) way back about 23/4 years ago. When I get a bug I get the same old symptoms. I don't believe it ever really goes. It was dreadful at the time. I had a three year old child and I don't know how I kept going!! My GP at the time had me down as a hypocondriac, and he never linked all the symptoms. Years later he admitted that in retrospect he thought I had ME.
Mr woofy had a curry and a pint of beer for lunch for the first time in more than a year and is now feeling the benefit...have dosed him up with loperamide (blocker upper) I shouldn't be smiling but it's such a silly normal kind of problem......
Glad you are feeling a bit better Robi...lovely photos you are certainly a looker...I had shoes like that, very smart.
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ah yes, imodium & stemetil, where would we be without them? Well we know exactly where we'd be :o) Hope the after effects aren't too harsh for him woofy, it's so unfair to have to pay for a bit of enjoyment.

Oh yes, mr trendy dj, haha...he used to go on at me sometimes for the high heels/platforms, I'd be about 5' 10" in them, he said it made him feel short. it was '73, we were both 18, ridiculously young but in some ways we were both old too. We'd both had to grow up too quickly I think & it never pays in the long run.
Good morning all..bitter cold wind here. The loperamide worked and we had a (short) peaceful night. DH is okay (just checked) so I will be off to bed in a mo.
Good morning Everybiddy from the Old Old Biddy. Lovely Photos Robi. (I must be 15 years older than you.) Great outfit. I could never where hats. Except now when I'm out in the cold. I didn't even wear one at my son's Wedding.
Pleased Mr W. enjoyed his curry and pint Woofy with not too much after effect with the help of 'whatever you gave him'.
Last night I had a lovely bath and went to bed at 9 oclock. Couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. So I feel rested this morning even though my legs a still aching a bit.

Lottie I have to apologise for getting your hopes up about the cold weather allowance. I didn't realise we probably wouldn't get it as I wont cos I'm not on any of those credits or anything either. I rang my sis up straight away and she said 'Sounds about right' In a sarcastic voice.
Have to do some housework now, have a friend coming for a cuppa in a bit. Later 'gater(s)
Hi everybody.

Glad Mr Woof is OK.

Hope you are on the mend Robi. I used to wear platforms and they made me over 6'. I loved it. I hate being only 5'8" nowadays. I really miss being tall!! Funnily enough I don't like really tall men. I like to look them straight in the eye - no messing about!!

Jude. No need to apologise. I have come to realise over the years that Mr LL and I will never get any benefits of any sort even when times have been desperate. We struggle along on not a great deal of money and I dread retirement because we haven't got good pensions to look forward to. Circumstances - no fault of ours for not planning!! I am just hoping we can sell our piece of land so that retirement will not be hard!! We are not people that spend a lot, but I would like to continue to eat and have a roof over our head.

I am going back to bed. Watched a film (Silverwood) last night until 1.45am and when I did go to bed I couldn't sleep because Mr LL's breathing was keeping me awake!!

Miserable, cold weather. There is ice on the bird's water and it's been sleeting!!! Bed seems a good idea!!

Morning all, lovely photos Robi, I'm sure I've met you you look so familiar. But you are so young, you are too young to be a biddy but as we need you as our loopy leader we'll let you stay!

Was he a famous dj.

Persisting down here and cold, Mr N is at home as he is working outside so can't go, damn and blast it, This house is far too small for all 3 of us at once. I'll be climbing the walls by this afternoon, (more space up there anyway!)
I was 31 yrs old when I got married! and 42yr when I had my baby!
Oh, I always use the electric fryer outside so as not to fill the house with the awful smell of frying! Not that I use it too often and of course it all depends on the weather as to whether we have chips or not!! I absolutely the hate the smell of frying in the house.

Very witty jno!!
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Morning...ooh, intit cold?
lol @ poor Mr LL's breathing. It's funny, I can hear Charlie breathing, he's well buried into his bed & fast asleep and it's lovely, makes me feel sleepy too. But! if it was a human breathing it would irritate the hell out of me... :o)
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oh three netis appeared...Well I'm not the youngest on here & I think woofy's only a year older than me ...unless she's been telling fibs :o)
ex's name was well known around's amazing how women can be, put a man on a stage & some of them think he's fair game...the lengths they'll go to, tut, trollops.
well, you married him!!
I'm 11 yrs older than Robi, so no more lip from you girl!!!!
Still here!! Someone phoned me up so just had a long conversation.

I was almost 25 when I got married and he was 25. I think that was probably too young!! Didn't have sproglet until I was one week off 36 though. We married in 1972. We have had loads of ups and downs, but we have both mellowed, particularly in the last 5 years or so!

Ooooh, it's so cold......................................

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