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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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don't think a lilo would be safe under me; I've just replaced my second toilet seat in a year. I think it was a design flaw - the seat's fine but one of the little rubber rest thingies had split. All the same, I do not like sarcasm from a loo seat.
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Ha ha Neti, I am immune to that virus have just bought a lovely sugar mouse pink linen shirt in m and s this one
Housework!! What is that?

Nice shirt Woofie

I order this yesterday


I have two like it already in blue and magenta which I love - they are so comfortable and forgiving!!


I must stop buying things!!
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ooof, back from specialist, nothing new or dreadful. radiotherapy to begin soon.
Glad nothing unexpected or new Woof. But you (one) can't help getting somewhat worked up before appointments until you get reassurance. x
Well what a crip day .April showers in June and it's turned chilly this evening .
I ended up tidying my wardrobe after getting rid of the stuff and sorting out my make up bag .Wrote two letters ,made some chs & toms on tst and I've just been mooching and fiddling about bored to tears and aching from top to bottom .
I'm waiting for my Law & Order fix then I'm going to bed .

I hope things go well for Mr W. with this treatmant Woofyx
Night all .Sleep tight
of, were those April showers? I thought they were September ones, with a hint of July. I drew the curtains and watched whispering Dan going round a stately home that turned out to belong to someone from Duran Duran, having been owned by generations of complete toads who should all have been flung in the moat in 1500 or so.
Hello from sunny Ibiza.

Had a lovely night out with the girls (I was the youngest!) but couldn't eat too much with the tooth plate in and certainly wasn't going to take it out amongst strangers! Bought new lilo, so will have to inflate that today. Feel tired!
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morning all...busy day today....catch you all later
Good morning all...showers? Oh we didn't faff about with showers, we had it bloomin monsoon stylie, the lawns & patio were standing in water, good thing we have free draining soil here.

I was a busy biddy yesterday, did quite well between cloudbursts and watching brilliant tennis...shame the Japanese woman (40!) didn't knock Venus out, I'd like to see some different faces in the women's final.

Lovely tops ladies, apart from stripes I never seem to wear patterned clothes although my newest tshirt has a patterned front and I ummed and ahhhed over a Betty Jackson flower design one in Deb's and I never do flowers...but I wish I'd bought it now...

oh no! <sobs>...I've been watching that Jane Norman hippy top & waiting to see if was reduced in the it's half price...and my size has gone!....<bangs head>....
Hi all
Thundering and hailing down here .Pee po.Hope it eases off soon as we have to go out .Well we don't have to but there's an election for a councillor today due to the demise of one and I like to have my say !
Yes lovely tops ladies .I'm not keen on flowery busy patterned stuff though ..Not me at all.I like to fade into the background :)

Yes that was a good series with Dan, Jno . I liked the last one best .The house designed by Lutyens . Marsh Court I think it was .
Hope you are all Ok today whatever the weather .
Toodlepip for now .
Glass panes all in and men about to go. Took Megs for a walk through sunshine and showers and she jumped in the river!! Stupid dog.

Bought two cheese scones at garden centre which we passed on our walk and brought them home to eat. The place was packed. 20% discount day, and besides Megs was with us. Feel like going to sleep now and might just do that.

About to hang washing up inside on airer as I can't be bothered running in and out all day between showers and sunshine.

See you later.
Sky went very dark for a while and I had my king sized bedding out but luckily it had already dried so got it all in. Am having a "quiet" day (too much excitement last night!!) Mr N left the footpump for me to blow up the new lilo but it wouldn't work so hija and I huffed and puffed and now it's floating on pool. It's nothing like the piccie on the box but hey ho!
I'm watching in random order, shaney, so haven't got to Lutyens yet. I wish they'd calm down the frantic camera work, though. Honestly, when someone fled after the murder they were having cars rushing round the countryside and Dan's face turned lurid yellow. CALM DOWN.

Went to see some baby cathedrals today, very interesting.

Small things amuse...
Oooh very sweet jno, I love dinky little things like that.

Well it's all a bit quiet in here but ♫ I know a place where the music is fine ♫....I've done the 60s I'm on 70s now...
Oh wow ..what a brilliant site Robinia .I only had a short peruse but have saved it for a more in depth look :)

Yes I know what you mean Jno .Dan flapping and gesticulating is quite enough without the special effects.

What an up and down this weather is today .We managed to dodge the drops and cast our vote .

I'm going to watch that History Cold Case thing shortly . Apparently they've dug up some skeletons in a well in Norwich ...ding dong bell .
Oh bgr ...Mr S has just said it's been postponed due to Wombledon .

I used to love the tennis but don't usually watch these days until the finals and then wonder why I bother ..It's all a foregone conclusion .Gone are the days of the characters like McEnroe ,Nastase ,Martina etc . All big baseline ball whackers and all that grunting .....
Just called in to say goodnight xxx
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morning all..I gave myself a morning of from early walking today. Later we are going out to lok at easy chairs for DH who confessed recently that he has never found the new 3 piece comfortable...we have only had it 18 months!!!!!I wish he had said sooner.
We knew that cancer was still there and that radiotherapy was the next step but you still hope that something will have changed....oh well KBO I guess.

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