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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Sometimes I think some excitement would be nice, but then I face the fact that I just can't do what I used to do and if I did I would be a total laughing stock!! I get quite upset sometimes listening to late sixties, early seventies music which bring back lovely memories.

Now Mr LL has turned into Percy Thrower/Victor Meldrew and I am Mrs Mallaprop/my mad Auntie May!!!

It was quite exciting down at the seaside the other weekend though when I met up with some lovely friends and laughed all day.

Hope you hear soon Shaney about Mr S's op, and hope, Woofy, that Mr W is feeling better.

Wedding tomorrow, so leaving here tomorrow morning and returning Friday lunchtime. Rheumatology appointment Monday - such is life!!!!

Nets you and I have similar husbands and similar marriages. When I am not talking to him though, I can't keep it up!!
Morning each...dull here too but yesterday was warm so I've been making the most of being outside.
They're lovely summery flowers shaney. I had to cut mine back hard this spring but they're still doing very well. The buddleias have been and mostly gone very quickly which is a shame but hopefully they'll have some more flowers yet.

Well done Mr W on reaching the end of the therapy! And very well done Ibiza for putting up with....oops, sorry....allowing neti to stay for 40 years! :o)

Well we're all getting old and decrepit but as my sister said yesterday the one good thing is that you no longer care so much what other people think of you. I know I've become more direct and some would say mouthy, haha, but people usually get that my grumpiness is often tongue in cheek. I bet people around here think me & my friend over the road are a right 8.30 this morning we were leaning on my gate squeezing our arms across our chests & comparing crinkly, sunburned skin...oooh, so common but we were in hysterics.

I'll soon be approaching my BB limit for this month...and my energy limit :o)... so if I disappear mid sentence I'll have either nodded off or been chopped off.....
they don't chop you off they just charge you for another month, tut.
Robi, I wore a jumper and switched my heating on for an hour last night. Wasn't worm here, as you might have gathered!!

I am itching. The nats have started biting. Obviously they were eating me whilst I was picking beans!!!

Now off to get some brecky!!
<<<< waves quickly to Rob before she disappears!>>>>

Morning shaney

and lottie yes our menfolk seem very similar.
Hello Everybiddy. Hope you are all ok this morning and Mr W is feeling much better.

It's another morning out in the garden for me. I look out of my window and the space under the trees at the bottom of the garden is so strange. Not sure if I've made a mistake cutting them back. I can see the fence now for the first time for many years. Anyway too late to worry now. Going to tidy it all up then think about how I'm going to fill the spaces!!

Robi I'm more outspoken than I used to be when I was young. I wouldn't say boo! to a goose then. I do try not to say anything hurtful but will stand up for myself now more than I ever did. That all comes with age dunnit.

Enjoy your wedding trip Lottie. I've not got any itches but I am sore all up my arms and legs after all that 'scrabbling', that's my word, under the trees.

Going to see Harry Potter tonight with my neighbour. Sad really, but I have read all the books and seen most of the films. I'll never grow up will I!

Laters 'gater(s)
ooh, is that the 3D version, Jude? You have to wear specs for those - I think some cinemas charge for them too. I saw Avatar in 3D and didn't like it, it was too hard swi elling my head around to see what I was supposed to be focusing on. (But that was an Imax screen, which is huge.) 2D is good enough for me and on a bad day I'll settle for 1D.

I was warm last night, too warm, which gives me nightmares, but it's hard to know how many blankets to have. I started dreaming about driving across a busy bridge... backward... I was about to hit a bus when I woke up. Goodness knows what that says about my subconscious as I don't drive backward in real life.
hello again,

have just donned my uggs and a tshirt over my dress as had to go into the storeroom to look for something, and am terrified of geckos falling on me , now am sweating like the proverbial! Actually; and horror of horrors: I am looking for a white par of knee length leggings to wear under a very long cotten top (guess it's a dress to the youngsters).--- wonders if I will be thrown out of Biddydom now!--- but cheer up all is not lost, as I haven't found them! Was looking at handbags today and there are some very nice ones here on sale, and I do not like the purse I bought yesterday so will also get another one of those!
Off to have a sleep. Have an IBS problem and I am seriously thinking that coffee might be a culprit. I have had a couple of cups of it in the last few days after leaving it off for a while and being OK!!

Want to feel OK tomorrow.
Take care lottie and have a good rest. My IBS just comes and goes but I do not that that horrific pain that I got when I was in 20's.

Hsave just bleached the kitchen and wearing a black dress, silly or what??
I've tried to get into Harry P just to keep up with the kids but neither the books nor the films hold my interest. Now put me in front of most variations of the Merlin theme & I'm hooked. I didn't watch that most recent one though, channel4 or 5 was it?

Are you sure about your driving jno? I've seen signs in the London area that tell you to look both ways...on one way streets.
I drive brilliantly in my dreams, change gear, everything - never have driven. I also smoke, I can even taste it - never smoked. And I swim...I've flapped about and sunk a lot...yeh, yeh, sticks float, shuttit.... but never had the style I dream about.

Lottie I know what my IBS culprit

Oh dear I can't believe I've just heard of another mugging. In a frantic mail sent by the leader of the Derby fibromyalgia group. They're in Madrid, all money/cards/phones stolen (passports are ok). Police & embassy aren't helping & the hotel won't let them leave. I think she's hoping someone, anyone can help.
someone lock neti in the closet until she comes to her fashion senses...
And in my frantic searchings, I have found a new packet of M&S cotten knickers, and a fleshcoloured bra which was too big but now makes me look pert!!
Aww robi how awful, they will have to get someone back home to pay for the tickets and probably the hotel too. The embassy (consul) are worse than useless but very good to you if you are a criminal, then they'll put up up in a hotel!
It must be a nightmare.

I think I'll just buy big bras & stuff all my worldly goods down 'em....and I'll give Lottie a wallop when she feels better for the 'little purse' comment (I'd forgotten to mention that) :o)
No jno not 3D. I'd have no chance with my eye sight. I like Merlin as well Robi but not seen it lately.
What a weird dream Jno. I do get them somethimes but not lately. I think it's all this exercise I'm getting, I'm that knackered I just go out like a light.

I've just spent half and hour on the phone trying to get Saga to give me a cheaper car insurance quote but they can't so I'm not renewing with them but to get £20 of a home and contents insurance which runs out in January they have given me a fixed quote til then, would you believe that and quite reasonable it was too. The young man I spoke to was into Stephen King books and I have loads of them stored in my drawer under the spare bed so I offered them to him. Then maybe I'll take them to the Mind shop.
Done some digging but not a deal, will have another go tomorrow. It's all the roots that have spread off the bottom of the lilacs.
Pots need washing...........seeyalater!
oh yes, I was with Saga for the cars but their premiums kept soaring, so I switched to Direct Line. Saga keep on sending me special offers but they're still much more than I'm paying now.

Ah, yes, fill'em up, Robinia

Bye bye. Hopefully I will warm up tomorrow when I go dun suff!!
Just cruising by to wish you all a Goodnight and wish Lofty a safe journey crossing the border .
The sun eventually got his hat on this afternoon and it was quite pleasant so had a lounge dans le jardin .
I hope you don't have any bad driving dreams tonight Jno .I used to have a recurrent dream about driving a car but I could only turn left .I can't even drive a car !
Hope you enjoyed the film Jude and hope your friend gets home safely from Madrid Robinia .There are rotten toads everywhere .
Don't worry about a new purse Neti .Stuff your Euros down your bra .
Hope the Woofies are both OK .
Sleep tight folks .
I've just realised,
We can't leave this on 999 so I bags post 1000 !
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