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Snappy | 17:32 Sun 19th Dec 2004 | Shopping & Style
5 Answers
I bought some dvd's in a 5 for �30 offer at a virgin outlet store near me yesterday. Two of those were for a present for my granda but when i looked last night he's already got them! Will i be able to change those two for two different ones? I have the receipt and i just want to change those two.


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Take the two back and your receipt and they should swap you those two for anything out of the 5 for �30 offer to the sae value or - something else to that value - they may even give you gift vouchers. As long as the goods are in the condition you bought them you should have no problem!
Legally, the shop is not obliged to exchange your goods - they only have to exchange if the goods are faulty. That said, almost all shops offer a 'goodwill' system where they will exchange quite happily. Some shops will exchange if you have your receipt, and offer a credit note or vouchers if not. A major chian like Virgin will exchange your DVD's with no problem.  

Before venturing out, I would phone the shop first & ask to speak to the Manager. I'm sure if you explain about your Grandad already having the DVD's, he'll understand. If he agrees, at least you'll have the Manager's name & it will make live easier for you, if & when you do return to the store. Good luck.


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