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Were abouts do you guys live

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meaty | 12:26 Tue 26th Jun 2007 | People & Places
63 Answers
Outta curiosty were do you guys live im from Blackpool take it ya all live in England


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East Devon
Upper-Woppington-Under-Swale near Alderberry Junction. I have a quaint little flat above the Greengrocer's....You can't miss it.
east london mate!
I live at home.
over here, but sometimes i go over there, depending on the weather of course.
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from scotland but relocated to tenerife.
apparently the weathers much better lol
IoM, lovely!
wassat mean???

night its bedtime work today lol
Isle of Man! I finish work in an hour! Night.
Near Preston. I can see Blackpool tower from our back bedroom window - on a clear day!
Question Author
Thanks and hey to the sarastic wnkrs you probably live in a cardboard box
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Oo i was in Blackpool just today, it was lovely and sunny! Shame I was working!

We're in sunny Souey (Southport). Not far from you at all! Fancy a brew...?
And hey, you stole our Traumatizer!! Then painted it blue!! *lol*
glesga awerabest
Originally Scotland

Now living in Vienna, Austria
Birmingham, about two miles from the airport.

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