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Cheap US flights

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Uzoma | 10:27 Mon 03rd May 2004 | People & Places
2 Answers
I'm looking to go to Kansas City, MO in August but seeing as there are no direct flights from the UK I figured, take the cheapest US flight and connect from there if necessary. The question is where is most likely to be my cheapest US destination from here. My initial thoughts are New York - does anyone have any other suggestions?


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Yes - it's not necessarily cheaper to connect in America. When I flew to Minnesota/St. Paul airport, I was in the same situation (no direct flights from the UK). It turned out that there were three different routes to go, i.e. via Rekjavik with IcelandAir/FinAir, via Amsterdam with KLM or via Chicago with American Airlines. It turned out that flying via Chicago was the most expensive (by far). KLM was cheaper and IcelandAir was a lot cheaper still.

It varies depending on where you're flying from, where you're flying to, who you're flying with, the dates you're going etc. etc. so just search places like and (and don't forget to try real travel agents) and choose the cheapest. But don't be surprised if the cheapest isn't the one with a connection in America!
I don't recommed that option Uzoma. What you are doing is booking 2 flights, which is almost certainly more expensive that booking one flight with a connection. As IndieSinger suggests, use web sites and search for flights to your final destination, allowing changes.

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