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KittyGlitter | 01:48 Sun 10th Oct 2004 | People & Places
10 Answers
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?


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If in doubt, chicken out
You only regret the things you haven't done, not the things you have done.
A recurring song lyric "maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep. well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep. maybe you just had the worst day of your life, well buddy there's no escape and there's no excuse so just suck up and be nice" (Cos I can be a sissy at times) Another recurring song lyric "...the more I talk the more I turn into a vegetable" meaning sometimes I need to just shut up before I end up mindf++king myself, or just making things worse.
Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal.
Never take advice from anybody
Never go to bed on an argument,Stay up and fight!!!
The climate in ur mind dictates the weather of the day. It is what u make it. Hypocrisy is the vaseline of social intercourse .....
A wise Eskimo never eats yellow snow.
This too will pass.
Give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change.

Always live life without regret and treat others how you would wish to be treated

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