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Do you admire the Queen?

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tonywiltshire | 15:44 Sun 23rd Oct 2011 | Society & Culture
102 Answers
I find it difficult to admire the Queen. All her life she has been looked after to the highest possible standards in all areas, she has done a good job but so have millions of other people, she does not know what it is to be in a queue, wait for service or worry if her children will find a job. She has people to arrange the smallest details in her trips and plenty of people to fawn over her. I believe a person doing a job they may dislike to maintain a family because it is their duty is more deserving.

I know if we had a President they would receive all the advantages now afforded to the Queen but at least we could change them every few years.


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I've nothing against the Queen or any of the royals but I don't see that they do anything to be admired for really.
15:54 Sun 23rd Oct 2011
Who got the Irish "Hangers-on" Job then - presume that they have had their election for that non-descript role.....
Cynics call being a member of the Royal Family an 'accident of birth'. They were not democratically elected by the public and their ancestors often killed their enemies to become crowned. I myself do not admire the Royal Family as I will submit to the idea that one family is better than another. We all come in the world in the same way and we all leave in the same way. Are we all Royalists here or Anti-Royalists?

Can you do a poll, Editor?
I do, she has never put a foot wrong, put the country before everything, you try doing that, and though she has had privileged life, it's been one of servitude. To the nation, to her subjects, not just in Britain, but around the world. How many 85 year old would have arrived after a very long journey to Australia and within a matter of hours, was working. She may not like her job in many ways, but she has never gone on tv and said i find it all a trial, but kept a very dignified silence.
So elected leaders such as Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Obama, Blair, Thatcher, Cameron etc etc are so much more to be admired and are an example for us all to aspire to...
No definitely not and I dread the thought of Charles becoming King. What a waste of space he is!!
I don't think he will Tizzie, I would not like a Queen Camilla...
but I am an Elizabeth fan
But why dread it Tizzie? After all it's not going to change our lives in any way.
Yes I admire her, she is still working, she may be privaliged but who would want to be in the limelight all the time, she is good value for money, a crowd puller .they love her. Just think of the revenue from tourists that the royal family bring to this country. A president may be cheaper but will not attract the revenue.
Do I admire Her Majesty?

Yes, totally and massively.

Would an elected Head of State be better?

Well, have we, as a nation, ever been totally happy with an elected leader?


So ... err ...
I'm with chinadoll in that I've got nothing against her but she's never seemed to do alot that inspires my admiration.

It's not a massively hard job is it? - It basically amounts to reading speeches and making polite conversation - hosting things and being hosted - following the protocol and the routine that someone else has organised for you.

People have forgotten, but her failure to show some real character and sympathy (until being forced to by public outcry) after the death of Princess Diana was pretty disgraceful.
"Would an elected Head of State be better?"

We already have a PM. Why waste further resource on some kind of meaningless shop front individual ?
I like the queen and as a family they do bring in a lot of money via tourism, not sure I admire her though, I dont mean that to seem negative but I know people that do more important, dangerous or even life threatening jobs in much more difficult circumstances. I admire these people.
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I think for her age she does a good job, but not sure if I admire her.
I think she does a great deal of good for Britain, she is the cornerstone of our country and considering her age she looks very well. I would hate to live under a Presidential rule. Think yourselves lucky we haven't had the likes of Mugabe, Gadaffi, Ceachescu, Guevara, Saddam Hussein and even Obama.
I'm with you AYG. There isn't a diplomat who could replace her.
She is widely respected wherever she goes in the world. I couldn't name a British politician who could represent the UK as she has done for over half a century. Her family may be a different matter, but she is one of a kind. I'm glad we have her (and not a few countries envy us).
Her governments come and go (thank goodness - look at some we've of the muppets elected in the past!) I wonder what she really thinks of them.
seriously though, if there was no " royal family " as of tomorrow, would your life be any different ?
She doesnt know what it is like to queue, wait for service etc, but we dont know what it is like to be under the constant gaze of the media for day after day year after year. No chance to just dress casually and walk down the road unnoticed. I prefer my life and do not envy her. But admire yes. Did you see her face when somebody wore a dress covered in corgis this week. She was laughing her head off. I think we got lucky when she was born.
I admire her. I wouldn't want her job.

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