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Sitting Next To Men On Public Transport

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Eve | 19:47 Thu 27th Dec 2012 | Society & Culture
41 Answers
I have noticed quite a few times (I live in a very ethically diverse area) that ladies, potentially of a different ethnic/cultural background, sitting on a bus but on the outside seat so people would have to ask them to move to be able to sit by them.

I wondered if it is some kind of a cultural thing that it is discourages that they sit next to a man on public transport as some kind of explanation.



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Never mind that ! I want to know why the last people to arrive to take their seats in a theatre always have the middle seats,thus obliging the maximum nuimber of people to stand to let them pass.
the answer to that is "create more aisles", FredPuli. Some theatres are many hundreds of seats wide and it can take 15 minutes to reach the ones in the middle.
I usually sit next to the window at the beginning of my journey and if the seat next to me is vacant I will move to it if I only have a couple of stops left. If someone then wants a seat, I'll move to let them go next to the window and then I don't have to disturb them when I get off.
Struggling to find one jno, any help appreciated.
I put my bag on the seat rather than on the dirty floor (it's usually too big to put in my lap) but I will always move it when I see the bus or train is filling up.
To sum this thread up ........................ Women eh?
What NOT to do on a bus, is sit next to the emergency exit. I have seen the door opened from the outside when stopped at traffic lights and handbags etc snatched.
frightened to sit next to a lady on a bus now in case she is menstruating
Bloody women! :P
i don;t like being trapped so i will always sit in the aisle seat and quite happily move to let someone sit down. im the same on planes, trains, any where reallym in a pub if its a booth type seat i won't sit on the inside
I used to sit next to the window to see if and what type of 'women' would sit next to me.

When women stopped sitting next to me altogether .....I stopped using buses.
as said before i think it's just selfishness or fat arses
I don't use buses but always pick the window seat on a train or plane and just hope some smelly man doesn't sit next to me.
I think thats just fairly typical human behaviour jenna - not confined to gender or background.

I have lost track of the number of people I have seen - ranging from white male teenagers through to black middle age women and all shades inbetween - who sit on the outside seat on an intercity train, and pile their luggage onto the neighbouring window seat. Its an obvious attempt at creating your own safety and comfort bubble.

The most obnoxious, in my anecdotal experience, has been the white middle-aged businessman, sitting in the outside seat, briefcase on the window seat, laptop claiming all the space on the communal table, loudly informing everyone else in the carriage via their mobile phone that they are "on their way" or that they had " a bloody great meeting" or some other such inconsequentiality that they feel so significant they have to share with the rest of us... :)
ha LG, on my last train trip 3 of us had booked seats, and some idiot did just the same thing to us (in our booked seats!) ok so he was allowed 1 seat, but had all his stuff spread out. We had to listen to him talking on his mobile for BIt but when he stopped we compensated by talking about periods and girl stuff loudly
@Bednobs - LoL! Perhaps you might have performed a public service - you never know, they might actually have listened and learned something :)
I do not have first hand knowledge as I haven't used bus for long time. But I believe it is same as few people park their cars using two bays in super markete car parks. They do not want anyone to park next to them.
I usually put my bag on the seat next to me as I don't like it getting dirty on the floor, and don't like to sit next to women.
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