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pdust | 02:11 Wed 15th May 2013 | Society & Culture
203 Answers
do you believe in it?

i was gonna make a new account to talk about this so you didnt all think i was mad but the fact that we would have had the same avatar could have been a dead giveaway :P

anyway..... ive always had lucid dreams and often had what people refer to as sleep paralysis but ive always thought there was more to it than your brains awake but your bodies not kind of thing....if there was just the sense of paralysis i could believe it but the sense that something evil is in the room with me makes me believe its more than that... also i had this long before i heard others had it and after reading about it i find it completely weird that people throughout the ages from all different backgrounds and cultures can have the same experience of an evil thing near them

to cut a long story short a fortnight ago i gave someone a personal belonging of mine then later joked he was going to do voodoo on me

since then i have had night terrors a lot worse than ever before.... im not stressed, i dont touch alcohol or any drugs at all.... i spoke with a friend whos alim and he advised me to among other things play a recording of quran while i sleep... i did this for 2 or 3 nights and nothing happened. last night i forgot to put it on and it was back full force

so my question is simple.... do you believe witchcraft exists?


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Do what?
You do. It's from a song by Lulu.
Lulu, you booboo.
its not booboo its doodoo!! or voodoo.
Haaaaaaaaaaaa! Crying. How funny.

I've been chucked out of better places than this, you know.

Got to go, see you later. :o)
Sebhefion, can we get something straight please and lose the aggression as well whilst we are at it? This is a very general discussion of a very large subject. I don't get any of my experience of Paganism from Wikipaedia. I was born into a practising Pagan family. I don't know who told you anything about initiates being 16 or older but that's your path not mine ( and a very Gardnarian idea it if too you don't mind me pointing it out), and I have been practising since I was a very small child indeed as have most of my family and other pagans and Heathens I know. You described yourself as Wiccan. Most Wiccans follow structures initially laid down by Gerald Gardner hence my ( obviously wrong now ) assumption that you did- if you don't then I apologise if I offended you, but that is most Pagan's accepted understanding when someone describes themselves as Wiccan.
It's true not all Hedewitches are herbalists but many if not most are because herbalism lends itself so well to solo work and in my mother and Grandmother's cases both work extensively with herbalism.
I don't presume anything about anybody and I would thank you adopt a similar strategy with me if you don't mind as I found your post patronising,inaccurate and rude. You follow your path and I will follow mine since they appear to be poles apart.
'china you are first person ive heard that says it didnt feel sinister but still you feel someone in the room with you like every single other report ive heard/seen/read about..... when i get it its like being in that freaky film based on ps game.... cant remember its name at minute..'

^^^ I probably have a different way of looking at it as my first experience of sleep paralysis was the not moving thing but being awake. So obviously that was scary and I googled it and learnt about it. Then when I had some other expereinces of it I knew more of what I was dealing with and was able to adopt coping strategies... essentially just repeating tio myself that 'this will pass'... So didn't find the 'person on my bed' thing sinister. I can also wake myself up from nightmares at will which is again because I had a period of having a lot of them (I've always had vivid dreams and I can feel pain in my dreams to an extent), so again had to find ways of dealing with it so I didn't get freaked out.
Again there's the somewhat interesting question of what do you mean by "practising Paganism"? Herbal remedies aside, as those are inherently plausible, what else can a "Kaos witch" such as your father, or whatever it that you, do, and what is it aiming to achieve?

By the way China doll, I preferred your old avatar -- it was less creepy!
That was rather my point to Seb Jim, everyone and everything is different. I can't answer for my father as to what his magickal works mean to him, although I know he considers it very important, life improving and so on. As you've probably picked up people get very upset and defensive about their own particular beliefs, and I appear to have earlier offended Seb who has in turn managed to offend me. There's a lot of information on the net about Wicca, Paganism, Heathenism, Hearthwitchery, Hedgewitchery, Kaos Magick and a host of other beliefs any of which will give you general information but as I have a few folk on here who aren't my biggest fans I'm not prepared to discuss my own individual beliefs or those of my family too intimately I'm afraid.
Fair enough Shar -- if I said earlier that Beliefs were private, it's everyone's right to keep them that way. Thanks for the reply, in some time I might do my own reading.
Wow! Less than 24 hours and 153 replies on a topic / craft that's doodoo. lol
Wotchit, Society, you'll be in trouble for saying Doodoo. ;o)
I also get the sensation of something horrid sitting on my chest and clawing away at the bedclothes.
I recognise it now and manage to fight it off usually by forcing myself awake. I can tell myself it's not real and I shout go away. It breaks the spell but only because it means I'm awake.
The one which always get me is that horrible sensation of falling suddenly. Man it's scary.
Good evening Naomi *waves*

In my teenage years I was intrigued with this (witchcraft, voodoo etc) and wanted to know about it and how real it is, and so have read many books on it. One very fascinating and impressive author on this subject is Draja Mickaharic.
Hi Society! (I always feel a song coming on when I say that!). Good to see you. I used to be interested in it too - but that was when I was religious. ;o)
Yep Jim that's scary.
I'm sure I read once that it's a drop in blood pressure that causes that but I can't confirm that I didn't dream it.

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