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Offered Breakfast

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spathiphyllum | 09:55 Wed 26th Sep 2018 | Society & Culture
111 Answers
I've never been offered breakfast on a job in my entire life.

Tea, coffee, yeah that's quite normal, and on reflection i once got offered a ham sandwich (i guess this is similar) but this morning i was offered a coffee (happily accepted) and a bacon butty!!!!!

I double took the nice (relatively old) lady after saying yes to the coffee with a "urmm, that would be delightful but you don't have to go through the trouble"

Nonsense she said (SCORE!!!) and she came back 5 minutes later with a Chris P Bacon sandwich, so i sat down with her for a couple of moments to sip the morning Joe and to destroy Chris P.. Now, back to trimming her bushes for the last time before winter.. Don't forget winter is coming ya'll get your plants ready

Would you accept such an offer or would you feel rude? Usually i would feel rude but in the moment it felt perfectly acceptable. I come here once a week so i've got to know the nice lady


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Steady!!! She might have laced it with something and you could have woken up yo find yourself 'balloon-dancing' in Phuket.....
14:41 Wed 26th Sep 2018
It is and goes with cheese and ham sandwiches well too - cooo, is it lunchtime?
broon =brown and NOT stupid...commonly used in Scotland for brown sauce...
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"Ah so it is a stupid made up name!"

Aren't all names made up by someone?
but then you do know that RR
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Ireland, Scotland and wales all have their own slang of talking and typing.. Not England though thankfully we're actually normal ;)
hmmm...that's a matter of opinion ;0)
Well we never used that in Scotland - I supposed it depends on if you come from a grotty part or a nice part!
In Ireland its also called Brown as that is what it is.
Does it say Broon on the bottle?
Stupid made up names by 'adults' who should speak and write properly.
RR ..nowhere nicer than here ! and I suggest you stay in Ireland if you don't speak the lingo !
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As for not speaking the 'lingo' as I said, certainly not the 'lingo' in the better class parts of Scotland.
only if it is worth anything
and you would know of course
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Ah so it is a stupid made up name!

Don't bother about it minty. Probably comes with the inability to integrate with the locals. My late MIL alwys said broon and greet and scunner etc. As a southerner I always knew what she meant.
So lang may ye lung reek and don't let a besom scunner you! :-)
Oh no here comes the back up - I'm soooo scared!
Lum - Chimney or Chimbley as my Gran would say.

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