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Wy Do You Hate Vegans? Vegan Here... Ask Me Anything :)

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divegirl | 08:57 Sat 04th May 2019 | Society & Culture
333 Answers
I love this site... have been a member for far too long lol

I rarely post but am always here and as a vegan I am basically gobsmacked at times at peoples attitude towards my lifestyle choice and yes it is a choice. As is yours.

BUT [from the Vegan Society]

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

At 47 years of age [50 this year] I adopted the Vegan lifestyle because I became aware of the apathy and my own jaded sense of what is right and wrong. Right to kill a pig... but not a dog? blah blah blah

Have you ever watched any documentaries concerning veganism? Earthlings? Cowspiracy? What the health?

Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

I'm not posting this to be confrontational, I am truley interested in what people think :)

Lisa x



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Not veganism naomi, but vegeterianism and I'm starting tomorrow when I go shopping for food. I totally agree with andres, there is far too much suffering in the animal world, all down to us. How awful for them to know they are going to die.
08:58 Mon 06th May 2019
I have no problem with using human waste as fertiliser but for commercial use it usually has to be treated at very high temperature to make it safe. Not exactly an environmentally sound procedure and it is costly.
Lots of creatures would suffer if the number of farm animals were drastically reduced though.
//Let the farmed animals become extinct//
Maybe that statement right there is why people dislike vegans!
Jesus asked the little "boy what is in your basket? "
"5000 fishes and 5000 loaves" he replied.
"Wow " said Jesus " that is a lot of food.
" I was hungry " said the lad.
Jesus blessed the basket and fed the people.
Some wanted Ketchup and sent it back, so the disciples picked up the leftovers.
Jesus got into the boat and began to,preach.
"Can't hear him " said the crowd, " too far from the shore".
"Ad lib " said one, and word got around, that played into the hands of the Pharisees. They were selling fast food and were determined to get rid of the opposition.
Just having my rabbit stew I shot this morning. Yum yum

We are having Lamb tonight, I believe it was humanely bored to death by a couple of Vegans so no cruelty involved whatsoever.
Playing Des O'Connor or Enya records is equally humane.
After an hour of them any creature would be praying for death.
Teacake, you shot a rabbit stew?
Divegirl, you seem to be either immensely ignorant, or you don't really care as much as you say, if allowing the extinction of *any* creature, whether wild or domesticated, is "fine". I'm quite baffled by some of your ideas.
Convoluted circles, ever so smaller before disappearing up your own AH
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I know! Love that this available for those transitioning or just thinking outside of the box. I look forward to trying it :)

''Lots of creatures would suffer if the number of farm animals were drastically reduced though. ''
Do you have an example of this please? Yes it would change the biodiversity but let's face it none of this will be happening overnight. Cows are not just going to disappear into the ether. We need to adapt and change or we're all *** anyway.

@Rockrose. See above :)
Also, who were you originally, I believe you were a bit strange then too.

I am already aware you have the morals of a dog so your choice of food is not exactly a total surprise.
I stabbed and strangled a tin of beans, it fought back and cut my hand, but I won.

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I have no wish for any animal to become extinct. That's why I choose not to use and abuse them but let's look at it realistically.

We stopped using black people as slaves and they seem to be doing ok.

I find the swinging of giant ''general isms'' crass but I also don't feel the need to type out my whole view on life... unless you would like me too?

Keep poking me with the stick though. I'm here to answer questions.

As an animal lover I follow the Mantra that is much more beneficial if the donkey is persuaded with a carrot not beaten by a stick. The same goes for Veganism/Vegetarianism.
If only these groups would start to encourage rather than criticise people, if only they would give examples of why eating less meat is good for everyone, instead of accusing meat eaters of mass murder and killing the world, then normal folks may take notice and make small steps to eating less meat.
Vegans are becoming terrorists who instead of encouraging, use often violent and inappropriate behaviour to get their message across. No one listens to what they perceive as Fake News Hipsters with marginal mental health issues..

Well said Callie
Spot on Callie, I thought this thread was supposed to be non- confrontational and you were interested in all views but you seem to have shot everyone down in flames with every response. Everything you have said makes me dismiss the whole concept even more.
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If a man kills a dog he is a called a murderer and everyone screams animal cruelty.

If a man eats meat he is considered normal?

A man leads a vegan lifestyle he is considered to be an extremist? A terrorist? Not exactly dictionary definitions but hey....

I have seen a lot of stereotypical perceptions of vegans. Me? In real life?

I am the first to offer an alternative recipe when asked.
My brownies and sausage rolls are well sort out in the staff room.... it costs me a fortune lol
I explain [when asked] about the meat and dairy industry... the whole truth of it.
I just refuse to use and abuse animals.
I only use cruelty free products whether they be household stuff or personal.
My black bin only goes out once a month... with two little bags of waste in it.
I recycle everything I can.
I'm a total wuss when it comes to my [rescue] companion animals.... and I f*C$ing love my life...

Gonna leave this now... it's been good so thank you xx

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Unless of course anyone wants to watch these... then we can really talk lol

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