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Have You Ever Been Tricked By Someone Claiming To Be Able To Contact The Dead?

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naomi24 | 15:04 Tue 12th Oct 2021 | Society & Culture
319 Answers
Driving home today I was listening to Jeremy Vine interviewing A J West about his new book, 'The Spirit Engineer', which examines, among other things, the reality or otherwise of the spirit world and the trickery used by charlatans to convince people that they are actually contacting the dearly departed. Mr West threw out a couple of 'cold' readings and asked listeners to phone in if they thought anything he said referred to them personally. I arrived home before anyone called so I've no idea of the outcome. Interesting nonetheless.

So … have you ever been tricked by a trickster - and when did you realise you had?


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Anyway, I seem to be being out of order by asking. Will leave it there x
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Whatever are you babbling on about, pixie? If you don’t understand plain English I can’t help you.
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PS. The people in your links are showmen.
Just- thank you, mamya, for your honesty x I'm leaving the thread now x
Honest is what I aim for, it was difficult with no clear meaning to methods.

If you mean Derren Brown, he is a decent entertainer I guess.
Honestly, appreciated x
We all have opinions.. But I speak from very real authenticated and documented experience.. Th truth is out there :-0.!!!
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Honest is what I aim for too, mamyalynne. I had no idea pixie was talking about showmen until she made it clear - hence my post at 17.49. I’m surprised she felt the need to ask.
Darren Brown is not psychic he is a performing artist.. Stage show type "psychics" are very far removed from proper paranormal researchers
You lot really aren't making this easy :-)
No, he is absolutely not a psychic, never claims to be, or anything to do with supernatural. He just shows how it's done I have officially left the thread.... however, it's hard to read blatant not rightness :-)
How what is done? As I said stage performance acts are in No way paranormal experiences.. They are very different mind reading sort of thing. Or not.. Cold reading stuff.. But absolutely nothing paranormal.. Even for those that are genuine people in this sort of presentation.. It is Not paranormal. It is a stage demonstration of psychic abilities.. Or not.. As the case may be
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They’re in show business. It’s an act.
If you watch, and reply, it's worth a response. The idea that it's "show business". Isn't.
The stage shows by definition are exactly that.. Pure show biz !
Even genuine psychics admit their stage acts are show biz presentations.. Not to be confused or compared to paranormal researchers / investigations
Pixie you are missing an important point. Everyday people who have unexplained things happen don't have 'methods'. Things happen out of the blue. it can't be explained because so far we have no explanation. Something does not need an explanation to exist. You are being very rude to people who know what they have seen and felt. What is YOUR explanation for that?
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Pixie, if you watch ‘psychic’ shows on television you will generally see a disclaimer which states that the show is for entertainment purposes.
I'm not being rude, apg. There just isn't always a known explanation. We don't know everything.
That's because "psychics " aren't real, naomi...
Pixie // There just isn't always a known explanation. We don't know everything.//

Pixie // That's because "psychics " aren't real, naomi...//

How do you know that?

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Have You Ever Been Tricked By Someone Claiming To Be Able To Contact The Dead?

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