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Who created god?

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Ebaby | 03:08 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
60 Answers
How can man, a mere mortal, prove the existence of god?


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Flob, //The fact of the matter is, in a way there definitely is a god to all of us. Without, we would not be here, we would not have food, we would not have light, we would not have warmth. //

Sorry, I'm not with you. What God? Can you elaborate?
Sorry naomi, I meant the Sun.
you might as well ask who created the Big Bang. Nobody quite knows where things came from.
I think this is one of those questions that tend not to get debated sensibly. They're just used to mock.

Away from the illusion of passing time, everything always exists.
Apparently it's unusual to come across an atheist in a lifeboat.
Flob, //Sorry naomi, I meant the Sun. //

Ahh, that makes more sense. :o)
Which god, Ebaby? I have a book here which lists over 2500 of them.
I suspect that that is a considerable under-estimate as there are as many gods as there are people who believe in one(or more). To answer the question, do you mean 'existence of god' in a real sense or as a philosophical concept?
Man can neither prove nor disprove the existence of god - it isn't a question that can be answered.
//Man can neither prove nor disprove the existence of god - it isn't a question that can be answered.//

That ^ looks like an answer to me. Care to offer any proof for that assertion?

Those who profess knowledge of what can or can not be known about something for which they have affirmed their own ignorance obviously don't know what they're talking about.

One's own ignorance does not preclude the possibility of another's knowledge, not even own's own at a future date. The belief that knowledge is unattainable applies only to those who have in believing closed their own mind to the possibility.
I heard thus on the sixth day God created man , on the seventh day she got it right and created woman.
Hearsay, I say, complete and utter hearsay! . . . or do I mean heresy?

Well, it's all pretty much hearsay, ainnit? can you know that god will exist forever, even a god cannot know that.
//Man can neither prove nor disprove the existence of god //

.... but there's plenty of evidence to suggest the God of the bible, whom everyone seems to consider to be the Almighty, wasn't.
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I really dont know why I posted this question, as no-one can ever answer it, not even the best scientific minds.
I guess we'll all have to wait and see.
Don't ask us ask god the omniscient. You should get an answer pretty quickly or not ar all.
god was not created...THATS WHY HES CALLED GOD!
//Don't ask us ask god the omniscient.//

We can't - because he's not.
Sith, //god was not created...THATS WHY HES CALLED GOD!//

How about Zeus, or Odin, or Osiris? They were gods, so what makes them different to your God? Or weren't they created either?
i dont believe in zeus, odin etc because if they were such a great religion and gods they would still be worshipped today which they are not, so you can clearly see why i dont worship them. also i am a muslim.

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