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Does Death Scare You?

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Twanger | 19:21 Mon 17th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
107 Answers
Does the mystery of death scare you? The fact that at one point it will all go black and you'll never see anyone you love ever again or be able to enjoy the things in life that you love so much?

The more i think about it the more frightened i become as i love life and all in it and to one day have all that is dear to me ripped away and me thrown into the dark abyss or void if you like really scares and saddens me.

How do you deal with the certainty that this will happen to you one day?


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I'm sorry to hear that daffy. Like i said i cannot get my head around having everything taken away and then becoming nothing, just a memory to those still alive which won't matter to you as you've ceased to exist unless there is something on the other side which i really would like to believe but do not at the moment. It saddens me no end sometime looking up at the stars and wondering about all those that have passed before me and thinking one day i'll join that growing number and someone else will be gazing at the stars and thinking the same think as i did once.
So am I, vod :-(
Twanger....are those thoughts stopping you enjoying life?
Death the state, or death the passing ? The latter is a bit of a concern, it equates to a large injury and I hate injury, but I don't dwell much on it. If it's fast enogh, the final moment is by definition just a moment.

The state, well you made an assumption there is no more after death and there are many that would disagree with you. But whether it is the end of you or not there is little to fear. If it is oblivion then it is not so different than it is to sleep each night. What you are unaware of has little affect on you, the mind. So what's to worry about ? And if you find your sentience is elsewhere in some spiritual realm instead, then really how much have you lost ?

Either way it's nothing to be scared of. But not something one should be in a hurry to experience either.
No. I don't want to do it for a while yet though.
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Gness i try and live life to the full but through all the merriment and enjoyment it's always there like a dark shadow watching you never letting you forget that one day the inevitable will happen.
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I hope i'm proven wrong oldgeezer and there is something beyond death.
Yes, I do fear death, but I do not obsess over it. Happens to all of us, it is part of the whole process of being mortal. I am far more scared of suffering a slow, lingering painful decline, or -worse- losing my mental faculties and turning into a dribbling shell.Only if you genuinely believe in an eternal afterlife of heaven and hell - and there is absolutely no evidence for that - would there be some sort of reason to be morbidly fearful.

As for wanting my loved ones to die at the same time as me - to be honest, I think this fear you have of dying is causing you to be pretty selfish, if that is what you would really want. No, the very last thing i would want would be an end to family and friends and loves just because I have come to my end. I would wish they live a happy contented and fulfilled life. hopefully with pleasant memories of me :)
''The fact that at one point it will all go black and you'll never see anyone you love ever again or be able to enjoy the things in life that you love so much?''

Bit like living in Slough then.

In answer to your question: no. I do hope I go quickly though... I find the idea of faffing about being i'll for months prior to dying far worse than death itself.
I don't know what to say to that, Twanger. I know what you are saying but for me it just stays at the back of my mind...if anywhere at all and I live every day for today......haven't always but I certainly do now. x
//Does anyone agree that death would be more easier to swallow if everyone you knew was going the same time as you? //

No. I see no point in wishing it on others. I'm with Chris. I don't want people sitting around me watching every breath and waiting for me to die. If it's unavoidable, just leave me to get on with it.
When we are asleep life goes on without us. I imagine death as being asleep. I don't want a violent end in an accident my mum went for her afternoon nap and didn't wake up. That is the best way to go.
No - I spent millions of years not being alive and it didn't bother me one bit.
Also I am reassured that I will live on in my children and grandchildren and on and on - hopefully.
Of course it's frightening, but it happens to everyone so put it out of your mind and get on with life.

As for wishing everyone else to meet it at the same time, how utterly selfish.
No not bothered at all ! Don't like the idea of the bit before though.
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It amazes me that some of you are so strong and fearless about death. Have those of you who have accepted it ever been scared of it or were you always realists regarding our life&death cycle?
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I apologise about that selfish post, it's just through fear really and the reality is i wish i was strong enough to be able to face what is going to happen and was happy that everyone will carry on having a life after mine was taken away from me. One day hopefully.
In my experience teenagers tend to obsess about these sort of subjects. And tend to become more laid back as they get older. Of course others may have concerns all thier life and yet others never. If it worries you find something else more cheerful to meditate on.
We can't miss what went before us but having lived the thought of not existing is sad but that's the way it is.
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Thanks for all contributors here and for letting me air and share a little of what's going on in my head as it's been very insightful and therapeutic but i need to go for a walk and some fresh air to process this all.

Have a peaceful evening and once again thanks.

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