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Noah. Will This Film Serve In Two Ways?

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sandyRoe | 09:21 Tue 01st Apr 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
80 Answers
The first will demonstrate to climate change deniers that in the past man's actions have had consequences for the entire world and could again.
The second, no less important, could show to those who dismiss the bible as myth that it had answers for the problems then and could guide us now.


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Och Sandy, wheesht now. Huntigowk
09:44 Tue 01st Apr 2014
//could show to those who dismiss the bible as myth that it had answers for the problems then and could guide us now//

but sandy, I've already got a boat..
is it made of gopherwood, though, humbersloop?

You aren't allowed to adapt the instructions, you know.
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And you'll remember your friends in AB when global warming melts the polar ice, I hope.
Incidentally, is the hull sound, no Death Watch Beetle or other worms? I wouldn't want to take to the briny on a leaky tub.
whirlyhurly, indeed.

Mikey, that told ‘em. ;o)

Goodlife, atheism can’t be ‘taught’. It is not a creed. There is nothing to ‘teach’. Just think, if you’d never heard of God, you would be devoid of belief – in other words you’d be an atheist. :o)
Scrivens, just for you....

....Sperlatt!! :o)
Sorry, my at 18:38 is on the wrong thread. It's on the other one too now.
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While we're on the subject of custard pies, i inadvertently bought some vanilla scented toilet paper the other week. Prior to that my favourite bun with my afternoon cuppa was a vanilla flavoured custard. I've gone off them now for some reason.
*my post*. I'll get it right sooner or later... maybe. :o/
erm,.. there were instructions??

sandy, the Goodly ungodly always have an eye to others' wellbeing ;)
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Instructions, with toilet paper? No.
very precise instructions, though it's hard to get a good cubit rule these days. And if it's not gopher wood it won't go very pher.
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all go pher shaped?
sandy, one of the American agony aunts, I forget whether it was Abby or Ann, reported that the answer she gave that caused the most controversy was whether the loo paper should roll over or under. Proper instructions would cause a lot less friction.
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Friction could be avoided with emolient papers
friction? you can get vanilla scented Sanizal now??
there are all sorts of variables, sloopy
I'm trying and failing to put the phrase scratch n sniff out of my mind now
Humber come the next flood there'll be a queue of ABers wanting to get on boar, can I reserve a place?

Just a thought, all those animals x2 on the Ark, it must have been awful shovelling that s poo every day.

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