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Question. What Is The Meaning Of Life?

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nailit | 16:38 Sat 05th Sep 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
208 Answers
Answer. There isnt one. This can be the only rational response.
There is no *ultimate* meaning, although we are all capable of making *a* meaning of our individual existance.

For some, such as christians and muslims, the meaning of life is to get themselves a place in paradise. But this doesnt answer the question, it only removes it a step. What then is the meaning of a life lived eternally?
For others who believe in reincarnation, the meaning is to become perfect/reach Nirvana/or whatever but doesnt answer the question. Again, it only removes it a step. What is the actual *meaning* of it all?

The only rational response to the big question must be there IS no ultimate meaning. Each and everyone of us are only here due to a chance meeting of a sperm meeting an egg.
We are born and then we die, like everything else in nature. A zebra's life has had no meaning when its been eaten alive by a lion. A tree's life has had no meaning when its been chopped down for firewood.
I totally fail to see why the religious cannot grasp a simple truth.

I would love to be proved wrong though.



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Atheists do make extraordinary claims, but do not provide any extraordinary, or even ordinary proof to support their atheism.
What claims? It is implicit in a claim for atheism that the universe created itself from nothing, that inert chemicals produced life, and that evolution produced speciation.
Now that is super extraordinary.
It is Theland, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.
Theland, scientists make no extraordinary claims - and they don’t work under the banner of atheism. They're in the business of research and they have no specific drum to bang. When they find something that discounts or alters their former theories, they acknowledge that and change their opinions. Would you?
Theland; surely you realise that there is no way to prove the non-existence of something (apart from semantic things like a flat sphere or a triangular cube). If I claim that I am God, you can't disprove that, can you? I'd love you to reply, but I suspect you won't. I'd be interested to hear a comment as long as it is based on intellect and not just bible references.
Atheist, refer to my post above again.

Facts :- The universe exists. Life exists. Different species exist.
There must be a reason for these things, but we disagree on the cause. (s)
Naomi is quite correct, scientific research is in a state of constant revision.
So, my explanation? (Yet again!)
God is the Creator and the Author of life, and sustains His creation and life.
Mankind has many religions all claiming unique insight into God.
You atheists are correct to be sceptical about all of the claimsof the various religions, so how to separate the wheat from the chaff?
I too was once sceptical, and had my own theories, all based on feelings, of explaining everything, but I could not be certain about anything, and was even attracted to some form of Eastern religion, probably due to the 1960's Beatles influences, Maharishi, give peace a chance etc, all happening at the same time as the Vietnam War, amply showing up the insanity of mankind.
I had been a CoE member from childhood to early teens when I abandoned it, bit it had always failed to properly explain Christianity.
I eventually met a Christian who explained the Bible to me, and it made sense, most convincingly due to the prophecies.
Immediately I realised all religions were false, and only Bible based Christianity was true.
The prophecies are so easily tested.
Scientists cannot investigate God, as their research methods are based purely on naturalism.
Question Author
Proof Theland.
Your belief in non-specific and all encompassing prophecies means nought to a genuine seeker of truth.
Theland, giving your 'explanation' again is fine, but expecting your belief in the Bible, especially in the prophecies, to be construed as 'proof' is - once again- totally wrong. (Please don't instruct me to 'read the Bible again', 'check the prophecies again', or 'take my word for it, all these prophecies came true'. )
It's a tad difficult to investigate something that isn't there.
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No matter how many times that you point out how many failed prophecies there are in the Bible, there will always be someone who 'explains' it.
Just like people who beleive in Nostradamus will explain away failed prophecy and try to bring the conversation around again as to what 'might' be
Dear Friends, (at least I hope so), I have given my opinions as requested, but I am not trying to force my beliefs on anybody.
I believe in the prophecies because I can read them, and then compare them to history, and yes, they match up.
Question Author
//I believe in the prophecies because I can read them, and then compare them to history, and yes, they match up.//

No they dont. Pointed out many times in the past why they dont.
If you'd like a dedicated thread on biblical prophecies Id be only to happy to assist.
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Vague and airy fairy doesnt constitute a prophecy. Reading into stuff doesnt constitute a prophecy.
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//I believe in the prophecies because I can read them, and then compare them to history, and yes, they match up//
I read the prophicies of Nostrodamas back in the day and was convinced as well...
Then I educated myself in psychology etc.
Then read the prophecies concerning Gods warning and promises to the Jews, then read the history.
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//but I am not trying to force my beliefs on anybody.//
YES you are!!
Question Author
//Then read the prophecies concerning Gods warning and promises to the Jews, then read the history//

So God allows 6 million of his chosen people to be gassed to death to bring about his plan?

Wonderful God you got there, down on my knees worshipping him now.
''YES you are.''

Pardon? Why should I?
Any dialogue with you Nailit, always takes a familiar path.
I can't be bothered.
Talk to somebody else or talk to yourself.
Question Author
//Any dialogue with you Nailit, always takes a familiar path//
Ive had the same dialogue with people of many different faiths and you're right. It always takes a familiar path.
'I cant answer, been nice knowing you'

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