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The Scariest Words You Will Ever Hear!

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Theland | 00:01 Sun 11th Oct 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
161 Answers
The scariest words you will ever hear are :-



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" allegations have been made and we wish to know ...."
is much scarier
esp if they dont tell you what they are BUT seem to think they are true
Good God!
Scariest words...It’s terminal...I’m pregnant again....we are making you redundant...I’m afraid there’s been a terrible accident....I’ve found someone new to love...You are not the father...I could go on.
Does anyone know what Theland is talking about?

The Nandos discussion makes more sense.
Not even Theland knowes what he is talking about, Naomi. And, judging by the time of his post, my guess is he had imbibed a tad too much holy water.
"knows" not 'knowes' - fat finger syndrome :-)
You are a proper prat, Theland.

The scariest words I ever heard were during labour ... *We can't find the baby's heartbeat.."
'Jesus loves you' are scary words

If you're in a Mexican prison!
Ok Theland, you've printed some nonsense, maybe for what you think is shock value, and the AB community has either ignored you completely by talking about food, or rightly knocked your nonsense out of the park with some reality.

Do you ever think you are simply out of touch with the people you preach to endlessly on here?
You're at it again, starting a thread when there are still a number of yours that remain uncompleted and call for explanations which you are avoiding.

Anyway, once again I am unable to comprehend your remarks which I never find scary. The words GOD IS GOOD don't frighten me.

Pointless, I imagine, my asking you to explain your posting.

blimey david - how many have YOU had!?

I am making a report on this - we will have to tell the Police, I will do it.
at least it was quick
you didnt have a chance to say good bye

dia de los muertos at the end of the month
// The words GOD IS GOOD don't frighten me...//

scary because it ( the idea) is so big and great!
come on Hans - give him a break - it is SUnday
// Does anyone know what Theland is talking about?//
was someone saying that naughty Peter P said that people cdnt understand sentences of three words ?

make that two. Jesus. OK there are some one word sentences people cant get their braynz around

the troof is here !

OK OK jokey bit coming up

// Does anyone know what Theland is talking about?//
that aint scary - that is entirely predictable - ter - daaah !

sorry sorry - I thought it was a statement in the style of "I am afraid it is terminal" that is that is was meant to be scarier than "God is Good" - There is so much on AB that I misunderstand because it is Too Hard for me. sozza again

some of David statements are pretty scary .....
Theland- And your question is, what, exactly?!
He doesn’t have a question, spungle. It’s my guess he’s got his preacher’s hat on again and is heading towards telling non-believers they’re afraid.
Ah, that's unfortunate, Naomi. Basically a pretext for a going-nowhere argument...? Thanks for clarifying.
Just a guess - but based on experience. ;o)
Perhaps "Opinionbank" would be a better option in the absence of a question?!
Scary words?

“Theland has posted again.”

Well, maybe not scary, just enough to make you think death might be a better option.

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