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the devil

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steve b 100 | 21:01 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
7 Answers
what is the devils real name


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Or are you thinking of maybe Beelzebub?
Tony Blair
I hardly think Answerbank Ed is likely to give us his/her/its real name...
Satn and Devil means RESISTER and SLANDERER.
He is called in the Bible the ' Father of the Lie'.
He was created a good angel with free will, but then used that free will to WANT the worship that was only due to God.
Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, Satan has been the ' ruler of this world'
As such, Satan was able to offer to Jesus...all the Kingdoms of the world , in return for one act of worship [ to Satan] by Jesus.
I thought it was Simon Cowell.

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the devil

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