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was Jesus gay?

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poltergeist | 17:12 Wed 22nd Apr 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
78 Answers
Ok so I am reading a book which depicts jesus as bieng gay. has anyone else heard of this?


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but a lot of gay men kiss girls. its like a fasionable thing you see like kissing on both cheeks and making that kissing noise. its all the rage and its going on down every gay club in the UK.
so when he was arrested he was with his gay lover. maybe he did look like a ghost when wearing the sheet and the police were scared of him and he made a sharp exit. I would like to get my hands on these scrolls and give it a once over. do you think I could get a copy at waterstones?

I, on my voyage to find the truth see some sort of glimmer of a conclusion in the far, far, far horizon.

Another thing is Jesus had a beard right? doesthis mean if he was gay he would have been the butch one and all his 'appostles' were the sissy boys? hmmmmmm
^^Another one off. Next!
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Naomi what are you trying to say hun?
If Leonaqrdo painted his stupid opinion, then big deal. So what? He could have included Roger Rabbit serving the main course, and a couple of pole dancers supplying the entertainment, but old Leo was just out to make a few bob from his paintings, not to depict anything like the truth.
For example, what kind of dinner party is it when everybody sits down one side of the table only?
Oh! I forgot! They must have moved to one side for a group photograph!
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Well Theland, hun I have a theory on this. I personally believe that it was a round table and leonardo sat in the midly on a rotating chair and went round drawing evyone that way.
Theland? You ok?
Aha poltergist, so there was another woman at that meeting then eh, they called her Lazy Susan!!
Poltergeist - Help me understand how you being named after an apostle and the possibility of Jesus being gay will have any bearning on your childs sexual orientation. Perhaps I have picked you up wrong.
........also the diciple he loved best some would suggest that was Mary from Magdalane. Nag Hammedi Gospels
Poltergiest being gay was more to do with his sexual preference for cowboy films. Hes worried that his son might take a linking to his bumless chaps.
Poltergeist aka gravy; real name Matthew............

One of the silliest and most offensive posters on AB.........

He is childish and peurile and seems to post the first thing that comes into his mind.......usually the more offensive, the better.

Either ignore him, or toy with his limited intelligence, just do not expend any mental energy on replying to his relentlessly stupid questions.
I know someone called matthew. Hes gay. There is something in a name you kow.
Ah, that figures, Jake.
Sorry, I meant Jack.
no jesus was not gay! but the bloke he bedded was. and a few blokes did nail him
I bet that made him cross.
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struth you know a Matthew who is gay!!! wow I am doomed. DOOMED I tell you. I might as well grow a mustache, buy a pair of leather trousers and go down to the gay bars.

Jack what gives you the right to post my real name? You just contradict all your apparent good judge of character old self huh? I dont see what is so offensive about my posts in the slightest apart from someone who has too much time on there hands and has been dealt a bad hand in life which makes them sour and bitter. You seem the sort of person to be sour grapes in your job too.

Oh well its no crime is it Jack :) Just go ahead with your pointless mission of trying to make me look bad instead of trying to better your self. says a lot.....
If you DO have too much time on your hands, gravy, why not brush up on a little reading about Fatherhood ?

The fact that you have no limits in your 'real' life leaks through to this forum and you have offended many, many people with your posts, both questions and answers, which is why you are banned so often.....

I don't need to better myself, gravy.............whereas you need a complete personality overhaul.

Stick to posting your fatuous nonsense in Chatterbank, where we can see you and you are well-known, and leave the good folks in R & S alone.........
Look at it another way. if jesus was gay then god had a gay son. If you have a son and he is gay then you could be god as well. Its all swings and roundabouts whatever way you swing.
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but I dont think god ever had any 'serious fun' apart from creating stuff. If my son was gay I would send him to a buddhist retreat to meditate away his evil thoughts. jack are you so angry because I am not in total acceptance for gay people?

basically if jesus liked to play the 'rusty trombone' he should have been a musician. But I think he got the wrong translation of it hence now he is gay (or was at least)

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was Jesus gay?

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