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The Man Utd Victory Thread

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joggerjayne | 16:01 Fri 27th May 2011 | Sport
71 Answers
I thought there would be one, by now.

What do we need to do, to beat the dagos?


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Ric.ror ... aww, thank you x x x

rowan ... we are going to make the Birmingham fans feel REALLY welcome. I hope they all make a full day of it, and come down into the town for a few drinks. It's always nice to meet the visiting supporters, and hopefully they all go away thinking that we are a jolly little town.

Back to Man Utd ...

Come on, guys ... we want to show the rest of Europe that English football is best, right?

Presumably if the Barca players feel any tiny contact brush against their shirts, they will be diving on the floor like three year old girls on new roller skates, and rolling about as if they've been shot.

If the referee is brave, and hands out a few early yellow cards for play acting, then Man Utd can get stuck in. Not dirty ... just "robust". Remind the Dagos that football used to be a man's game. I'd like to see Rio Ferdinand (he's quite big, isn't he??) getting the ball back off Messi.
The biggest divers on the pitch tonight JJ, will be Nani and Hernandez, once they catch sight of the Penalty area they will be going down like a sack of bricks. They should be in the Olympic High diving Team.
As rowan has pointed out, it's the sneering arrogance of the Club that turns other fans against them.They like to think that they are God's gift to Football ! duh No Man utd fan would support Liverpool, Chelsea or Arsenal in the Final so why should we wish them well against Barcelona.
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Because it's an English club ??
No Jj because there are some sdes where ou cheer for the football... Sorry but I would have cheered for Brazil in their heyday over the shambling ploughhorses of england... Don't get me wrong... I love my country and usually very patriotic... but football like many other sports for me transcends boundaries.... so I want Messi and co to be Brilliant...
First let me answer Redman , The last time Liverpool were in the final we shouted for them even with the goalie 3 yards off his line when they were taking the penalty.

Mickrog says the people of Mnachester will be shouting for Barca, Watch the video clip then tell me that.
redman ^ 'The biggest divers on the pitch tonight JJ, will be Nani and Hernandez'

I think you'll find the biggest diver and play actor on the pitch will be Dani Alves, he'd get full marks for artistic merit from any judge!
I hope Man United win because they are an English club representing the English League.

I'd like to add I remember being on holiday a few years ago in Menorca and was watching a game between Man United and Real Madrid at a bar in the resort.
There were quite a few Man City and Liverpool fans there who were all cheering Real Madrid on...The Spanish locals were cheering for Man United because they were Barcelona fans!

It's not just this country where local rivalries outdo national ones.
Just an observation......seems to be a lot of scouse jealousy on this thread

Liverpool were (a long time ago) kings of Europe among the English teams but now that mantle belongs to United and maybe some people need to face up to that
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So, we don't all agree ... but that's okay.

I don't think I'll actually watch the game, coz I'm going over to see the BF. I'm hoping the evening won't consist of watching the telly.

But I'd like to see the European Cup back in England. Those foreigners have had it for too long.
Kings of Europe ?
Real Madrid with 9 European Cups are Kings of Europe !
Liverpool have 5
Man Utd and Barcelona have 3 each, hardly Kings of Europe Joeluke !!
Only the last 2 years JJ
I want Barcelona to be magnificent; I want Messi to be sublime........but most of all, I want Manchester United to win ! :o)
19 times a very unbiassed video lol lol

what do you call a Man u fan from Manchester?

A liar
Keep hanging onto those past glories redman!

United's tally will be 4 after tonight and just like the Premiership title totals United will eventually better Liverpool's 5 European Cups/Champions Leagues.......cos Liverpool sure ain't gonna win it again in the foreseeable future
mickrog when was the last time United sold tickets at £5 to try and fill the ground with loyal fans.

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Is it only 2 years, WBA ?


I should have researched that argument a bit better.
Stick to your own Tottering Hotspur Joeluke it's quite a while since they won anything and I doubt if they will win anything again in your lifetime !!
At least we know our place though redman, we don't think we have a divine right to be what we once (long, long ago) were

LFC in Europe next season will be a fortnight in Tenerife in July!
Though not a Man.U fan I am English and I'll support any English team over a bunch of foreigners. Reading some of the posts I noticed one about Fergie retiring, the other night I saw him being interviewed and he didn't say it but he strongly hinted that he'd never retire whike he felt he could do the job, or untill he'd took all Liverpoools records
Despite all this hostility (and because it's my birthday tomorrow and I may not get a chance to post)
please let us take a moment to remember the Heysel disaster which occurred 26 years ago tomorrow where 39 fans lost their lives

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