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So who do you think should light the flame at the Olympic Opening Ceremony?

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ladybirder | 23:15 Fri 20th Jul 2012 | Sport
66 Answers
Decathlete Daley Thompson or Sir Steve Redgrave? Or somebody else, say Dame Kelly Holmes? Their respective achievements are here.


Personally I would like to see Daley Thompson do it.


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Read the DM link ladybirder very impressive medal hauls by both men but, one thing does stand out to me, that is the word pairs at the side of most if not all of Redgraves medals. Not so with Thompson he did it all on his own, top class, stand out alone Olympian, I am with you on this one.
23:57 Fri 20th Jul 2012
I don't think it will be David Beckham or Steve Redgrave - they have both already taken part in the Torch Relay, and if they were planning to ask them they would not do it twice, I'm sure.
I couldn't care a fig!!
The wonderful Liz Smith if not available then no else but Myleen Klass
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Jonathan Edwards must surely be a candidate. If I'm not mistaken he still holds the world record in the triple jump.
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I don't think it should be David Beckham at all. It would be an insult to our great Olympians to choose him to light the Olympic Flame over any of our Olympic Gold Medal Winners and World Record Breakers. I also think Becks would be savvy enough to see that.
How about Bradley Wiggins.
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If he wins the TDF tomorrow then I think he will be a popular candidate Goofy as of course it will be such a massive achievement. But apparently he is taking part in a road race on the Saturday morning so is not expected to be at the opening ceremony.
Apparently there's talk of Nelson Mandela doing it but I thought you had to be British and an Olympian to qualify so who knows.
Well...... I think it should be me! Been told I scrub up quite well. Just send the train fare and I'll be there.
Zola Budd??
Steve Ovett (I always preferred him to Coe)..............
Please God, don't let it be Tony Blair.
craft1948 because of her services to answer bank, the most interesting and honest poster here..
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Agree about Ovett craft.
I'm for Daley Thompson.
Bradley Wiggins.....on his bike
Based on achievements it has to be Redgrave.
......................and I don't mean Vanessa.
what about Mary Peters?
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maggie, as far as I am aware, scrubbing up well is not a prerequisite for lighting the Olympic flame. Now don't be shy to tell us if you've got a few Olympic gold medals in the cupboard you're keeping quiet about.
Anngel, don't think she's got a chance against Coe, Thompson, Redgrave.

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