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Champions League Final, Wembley

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ChillDoubt | 20:35 Sat 25th May 2013 | Sport
42 Answers
As someone who lost interest and fell out of love with football a long time ago can I just say what an absolute privilege it is to be watching this game.
What a first half. Honest, open, attacking football, end to end stuff but most of all not a dive or any sign of histrionics in sight.
Both teams are a credit to the game, as are their managers who have obviously instilled a sense of honesty and pride into their sides.
Hopefully it'll go to extra time, it's a rare treat.


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Standards slipping a little now, bit more 'Latin' style play coming to the fore....
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Gutted, was looking forward to another half hour.
End of game.
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One thing is for sure, Robben won't be very popular in the country of his birth! LOL
of all nob-heads.
O ye of little faith.
Back in the 60's I saw Kilmarnock 0-2 down at Ibrox with 1 minute left, and draw 2-2.
and last night Chelsea were winning 3-0 and lost 3-4 to Manchester City on tour in the USA.

Highlights online at 10.30.
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What an anti-climax. Good skills by Robben though to beat those close tackles and nick it past the keeper.
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Credit to both teams, bar Ribery they were a credit to the game. Well done.
Ah, we'll. No last minute Houdini act this time.
Harrumph. Bayern had the better individuals. Well, bang goes my bet. It all hangs on Froch losing now, or the weekend will be a betting disaster !
Fred - do you think Froch will get his revenge tonight?
Boxing? Oh dear.
ooops it looks like you have bet against him winning. lol
After deep consideration of the boxing skills of our boy ( Boy ? He's 34! And what skills?) as a basic, roundhouse, fighter with a good chin, against a more skilled, more direct, old man (He's 35; the press have a strange idea about young and old and have been talking of "the younger man") I concluded that the odds were too long against the champion simply because the bets were being placed by British fans and so he was worth a punt
Good thinking Fred. I think Kessler will win. The fight will be on in a few mins.
Kessler v Froch due to start around 11.10p.m.
Thumping another person for money? Barbaric.
Watching it. Sick.
Betting on it. Disgusting.
What will you be doing Daisy? Knitting!

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Champions League Final, Wembley

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