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Oxford Or Cambridge? The Boat Race

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DTCwordfan | 16:40 Sun 06th Apr 2014 | Sport
72 Answers
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Or the alternative, (Tonyav to commentate!) Oxford v Cambridge Goat Race
16:47 Sun 06th Apr 2014
My loathing of Oxford has deepened :-(
Rather like watching paint dry - and i should know!
I should've said can't see the need for 90 minutes build up from BBC!
Yay Oxford won again! I come from a big family and they were all Cambridge, except my dad and my sister and we were always losing, so now it's pay back time, thank you Oxford.
It's about time they stopped spending MY licence money on this elitist event. Either that or, to make it much more interesting, introduce surprise elements such as the odd shark, WW2 mines bobbing up and down on the water's surface, Kamikaze pilots flying overhead. I'd definitely tune in.
Bernie and DTC, come here now!
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Well Tony, you almost had one in the water......what a shame but the Dk Blues seemed far to strong.

Hi Psybbs!
Yeah, what was that touching of blades all about.
hi pysbbs x
Hi you lot xxx
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So how is it in God's land this evening, Psybbs - been very drizzly here today.
Bright sunlight alternating with rain but really lovely now
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Lucky folk up there! As you may have seen, London was pretty murky too, much like that here. A cracking good lunch in a new pub (new to me) up near Wadebridge.
I have walked it from Padstow to Wadebridge a few times, DT, along an old railway line.
If two competing teams cant avoid colliding, three teams will be a melee.

Oxf had a foul win
i don't watch the boat race, it seems that they touched each other, christ how wide is the Thames was there not enough room!!
Tambo - not according to the race referee!

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Oxford Or Cambridge? The Boat Race

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