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Help me, please help!

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funnygirl | 09:40 Mon 08th Dec 2008 | Computers
1 Answers
I seem to have a virus on my computer.

When opening pages it redirects to some other website automatically and there are other numerous problems such as when I am in in CB and reply to a post, on pressing submit I end up with a blank screen.

I have carried out virus checks and nothing has been picked up.

How can I get rid of this problem???


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download and run a full scan with adaware. most anti virus software will only deal with actual viruses and it's more likely you have some spyware causing the problems which normally needs a seperate program to deal with it. 2_4-10045910.html?part=dl-ad-aware&subj=dl&tag =top5&cdlPid=10903602

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