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nolaces | 02:11 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | Computers
2 Answers
i keep having to do a system restore and take my laptop back a few days to when it was working ok.
when i say working ok, what i mean is, web sites come up fine and i can access them.
then on another day i switch the laptop on and no websites will load, ie = answerbank, all that happens is an error page that instantly pops up.
thats when i have to do the system restore taking it back to a day i know the websites would come up on the screen ok and open as normal.
i am on aol and dont use internet explorer (although i do nip over to IE sometimes when im having the said problem to access sites if ive no time to do the SR, as they open up ok on there)
please help!
thank you very much x


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you don't say which browser you are using ... but
yours doesn't work ... IE (which is part of windows) does

why not plump for the inferior product?
if you are facing the problem in the internet explorer .

some of the web sites are not opening so please wait there is some problem in the website not the internet explorer.

if the internet is not opening than try to reset the internet explorer and try to ping the ip if the reply is coming than the internet is working .

delete temp,cookies and histroy from the internet explorer.

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