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gulliver1 | 09:44 Sat 25th Apr 2009 | Computers
5 Answers
I have un installed norton on my computer and installed McAfee and now my computer has slowed right down and keeps freezing help what have i done ////????? thanks


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did you down load the free norton removal tool to get rid of the norton crap first before you installed mcafee?
if not take mcfee off, use the tool, restart and reinstall mcfee
I agree with alan-r.

Norton can be very difficult to remove, which is why they wrote their removal tool.

First uninstall McAfee and REBOOT.

Donwload and install and run the Norton Removal Tool .nsf/docid/2005033108162039


Open the Windows Security Centre and make sure it tells you you have NO security software installed.

Reinstall Mcafee.
Better still, get rid of McAfee altogether!!!!!
Avast and AVG are way superior, and both are free!
What is your computer configuration? And what version of macafee you have installed?
alan-r is right, clean out the both of avitvirus with their reputed removal tool.
Now install fresh copy of Mcafee.
uninstalled the mcafee from the computer . restart the computer.

download the Norton removal tool from the internet and remove the Norton with the help of this tool.

when the Norton will remove completely from the computer ,
after that installed the mcafee in the computer.

you can installed the avast anti virus software which is also free.

delete all the temp and prefetch files from the computer.

turn on the windows firewall.

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