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piriform defraggler

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Mr-H | 21:33 Wed 17th Nov 2010 | Computers
8 Answers
Anyone else getting 'run time error .......' from here? Should I be going somewhere else apart from '' please?


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If you're after Defraggler download .. Try this ...
Not free tho. Quite who wants to pay £20.00 to defrag their hard drive is beyond me : )

There are plenty of free ones that will do the same thing.
I thought anything beyond and including XP didn't really get fragmented.
I have tried some free defraggers. Piriform was one, also Auslogics product.

Finally settled on PerfectDisk by Raxco. Not sure how much it costs now but the best I have found.
You could always try Windows own Defragmenting tool. Look in System Tools.
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Thanks guys - looked around and took thr free PiratoLogic one. Trouble with Vis's owns that there is no graphic which displays how far .
The only reason that later versions of windows say they don't need defragging is because it runs a defrag as a scheduled task in the back ground. (MS don't seem to have worked out how to make a file system defrag on the go yet, (yay for the linux ext3 filesystem ))

just start your defrag running at night once every couple of months and leave it on over night then the lack of a progress bar doesn't matter.
What exactly do you want to watch? Little coloured dots changing?
You like to defrag in a darkened room? lol ...
I'll get someone to come and sit with you : )
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I just didn't want to leave it unattended overnight - possi ble fire risk etc. and believe that an indicator whish reads '65% complete' etc. etc. would be useful. I don't need anyone to sit with me unless it's an eighteen year old blonde (though my missus reckons I wouldn't know what to do with one if I had one !!) :)

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