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Anyone having problems using Firefox lately?

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WhiteBears | 17:21 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | Internet
4 Answers
I keep getting not responding when using Firefox, or it takes ages to load up.... Whats going on? i used to love firefox, now i think im going back with IE or Apple Safari!


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Have you updated to v3.6? Seem to be a few issues with this version... see the thread below this one...
I updated the other day...........I've now gone back to IE.
Did you have any addons installed? Disable them all until you find out what the problem is. FF is better than IE less prone to attacks and is faster.
Safari for Windows is the worst browser ever. Don't go there.
There is so much hype about Firefox spread by M$ogynists. Ignore it.

Just use IE8. It works.

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Anyone having problems using Firefox lately?

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