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Access Problem

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Jaimsieboy | 19:04 Sat 23rd Jun 2012 | Technology
8 Answers
I had the site on my p.c. as a favourite but now Ican't get access to this site using my favourite panel or typing in directly... any suggestions please ?


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There's no 9 in it.
I used to use it, as I am on a call plan with Talktalk.

However after BT included 0870 numbers free on their call plans, Talktalk followed suit.
Question Author
Still no jo with site... even turned back the date on my pc (system restore) but no joy.
Anybody got any suggestions ?

Just clicked on that link by Chuck and it works fine for me, so there's no issues with the site.
What kinda problems are you encountering - are you getting any error messages, is it freezing, etc ??
Question Author
Hi Gizmonster,

the message that comes up is :
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

If everything else is working fine just wait and try it again tomorrow.
Have you tried clicking on the link posted by Chuck ??
Question Author
Hi Folks,
Tried it again today and got it ok... Thanks everybody... J/Boy

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