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For Attention Of Headwreck

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Connemmara | 12:53 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | Technology
13 Answers
Am back headwreck - are there any suggestions you can make to make the wavy scrolling go away. I am going down for a cup of coffee which is my breakfast and lunch. If you are knocking about will be back up in a half hour. Thanks.


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Just in from the shower - still not had brekkie - but thanks for your reply. There is a lad in the street who is very good but unfortunately he is Dundee university but will be back in a month or so time - I can live with it - as long as I can get into my various sites. Will live with the wavy scrolling. bye for now
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Go back to your original thread, click the download link I provided (it's working now) and install the graphics drivers... when the file starts downloading select run instead of save... or if you don't get that option you'll have to find the file (it will probably be in your downloads folder) and then double click on it.
It sounds like a graphics driver issue to me. Unfortunately unless you know your way around the 'control panel' of a computer it is quite fiddly to sort out. Anyone who does know about this could sort it in less than 15 minutes (in all likelihood).
Do you have a local PC repair shop in your town Connemmara?
Question Author
oh bye the by chuckie you are back - I did go back to your original link and got it to run but there were alternatives - like zip unzip, browse blah can't remember the rest of it anyway I browsed it and it said where and I put it into My Computer then I tried to zip, unzip nothing worked.
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I do daffy but it means taking out the wires out my big box and bringing it to them. So if it was repaired I pick it up and wouldn't have a clue where to put the wires back in.
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And Daffy they charge you about £50 a go. Think will wait for the laddie from the street come back from uni
The charge is extortionate for something I could do in a few minutes!

The best way to remember where all the wires go is to photograph the back of the tower with them all in place, although all of them will only fit in certain slots so it is almost impossible to get it wrong anyway.
Run the file, select browse, then select a location where you can find the files its about to extract (the desktop is as good a place as any) and then click unzip... once it's look on your computers desktop (or wherever you selected earlier) for a file called setup and double click that... click OK or next a few times.
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chuckfickens got the setup onto desktop done what you said - next next - this is what I got

Inf File does not contain information for this system's hardware Set Up will abort OK
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Methyl it scrolls wavy whether you use the up and down buttons on the keyboard and also on the little wheel of the mouse. I have been down the route of the wheel. I just found out the lad is coming home 27 April so I know he will fix it within mins but thanks everybody who contributed to this thread.

Also Methyl I was told off some years ago about opening up another thread it irritated some posters.

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