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Sent Email From My Late Husband

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chrissa1 | 16:07 Tue 17th Sep 2013 | Technology
7 Answers
Every time I send and email on my new IPad, my late husband's name precedes my address in the "from" box. I/we have been with AOL since the year dot and although I have removed his name from the User Accounts, I can't seem to clear this at all.

Any help would be gratefully received.


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I am assuming you are using AOL's e/mail service, in which case this appears to be the answer.

If you are using some other e/mail programme and AOL is only your ISP, please say what programme you are using.


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Thanks Alston. My ISP is BT. I've tried the link you gave me but when I sent an email to myself, only my husband's name appears now. Agggggghhhhh.
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I've sent a message to them. Thank you, A.
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AOL replied really quickly, Alston and I've done it. Thank you very much.

Glad for you that it's been done, chrissa - that must have been unsettling.
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It was a bit boxtops. My daughter was saying, it's Dad who is doing it.

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Sent Email From My Late Husband

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