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Bazile | 15:31 Fri 11th Apr 2014 | Technology
3 Answers
I'm slightly confused .

Is Microsoft Security Essentials still ok for machines which do not run windows xp ?

What exactly has/ is going to happen , with regard to MSE ?



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For some reason the link is not opening .

Please bear with me .
I'm running windows 7 with MSE

So there is no problem in my case - am I correct ?
MSE was running on my W7 pc up to about seven days ago with no problem. So no need to panic, yet.

However, even Microsoft have admitted their anti-virus program isn't up to scratch.

Along these lines I have therefore changed my free anti-virus program to Comodo which has been running for about a week now, with no apparent problems. There are other free anti-virus programs around such as AVG and Kaspersky.

Also, check with your bank they often have anti-virus programs available for customers.

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