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Meadoway | 13:17 Wed 09th Sep 2015 | Technology
3 Answers
I recently amended an Office13 file, I now wish to open it and found it filed as an XLR file. I have tried everything to open it without sucess. Any help anybody



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Assuming it is a spreadsheet type file, have you tried opening the file within Excel itself? i.e. 'File>Open' , then when the 'File Browse-to' Window opens up, set the files option to 'All Files' to list all files including .XLR extension files.

If so and it is still fails to open, what is the exact error message displayed on screen via excel?
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Many thanks for your suggestions. Have tried for another half-hour without success. Cannot understand it. Have found other XLR files within Excel but not the one I am looking for. It is listed under File explorer alongside other documents within Excel. A mystery. I will redo

Les Hood
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