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Windows 10

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Bazile | 17:43 Thu 21st Apr 2016 | Technology
6 Answers
I have a laptop , which is a few years old ( bought with Windows 7
installed )

As you know Microsoft is ' forcing ' people to upgrade to Windows 10 , which i don't want to do .

1. How long do you think, before Microsoft stops support for windows 7 ?

2. I downloaded windows 10 , a while back and it is sitting somewhere in the background .
I keep having to extend the installation date in order to prevent it installing

How can i remove the download completely ?


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1: Microsoft ended mainstream support on January 12, 2015. But the company will keep providing extended support until January 14, 2020.
nothing wrong with 10 personally i loved 7 and xp but times move on and 7 support will go eventually
Run the GWZ control panel.
Oops - meant GWX, obviously
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//nothing wrong with 10 personally i loved 7 and xp but times move on and 7 support will go eventually//

Ivor4781 - i'm not saying there is anything wrong with W10 .

From what i've read and speaking to people ; it would appear that my laptop is not well-enough specified to run W10 efficiently .

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