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Are sat-nav devices any good?

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dantheman123 | 18:40 Thu 18th Jan 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Im soon starting a new job that will involve a lot of driving.
To help me I'm thinking of buying a sat-nav device. Are they any good? How much can I expect to pay for one and is there a cost per mile or per minuit used or something?


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They are a god send !

I bought one about 18 months ago and have never looked back. There is no charge after you've paid for the GPS although you can pay for extra stuff on a subscription basis if you think your going to need Speed camera alerts etc.

I bought a TomTom GPS and it is excellent, costing from about �170 upwards depending on the model you choose.

The more expensive ones come with hands free mobile kits built in and extra European maps that you may or may not need.
I agree completely.

I had to drive into Manchester from Hull and I borrowed my Dad's TomTom. It took so much stress out of driving. I switched my brain off and just did what TomTom told me to do and it got us around Manchester without a problem.

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Are sat-nav devices any good?

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