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hdmi connection

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andy rue | 13:37 Sat 10th Feb 2007 | Technology
8 Answers
i have a pioneer plasma tv with 1 hdmi input sky hd is connected to this input. at the end of march i will need to connect a ps3 via hdmi how do i do this with only 1 input ?


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You'll need to get yourself an HDMI switch box.
Decent ones are not cheap. Try Google.

Or an AV amp that also does HDMI switching but they're even more expensive.
Question Author
thanks for that i will have a google
Which is why people should NOT buy a HD ready TV with only 1 HDMI connectiom.
I hope you have your pre-order in andy rue !
Question Author
its such a good tv i forgave pioneer for only the 1 hdmi input its 43 inch of real genius helpful. Matt i pre ordered with argos! last friday i paid for 2 ps3 one for me one for my 10 year old son. Today i received a letter from argos with delivery date of friday 23 march which i think is launch day. I will let you know if they turn up!!!!!!
you have �850 to spend on consoles ?
Question Author
ah you see its like this the one for my son is a late xmas present . A hd dvd or blue ray player would cost around �800 so with the ps3 you get blue ray wi fi internet connection and the ability to play games store music and photographs so at �425 i think its a bit of a bargain!!!! Thats what i told my wife anyway.
lol - like your logic

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