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Laptop sound recording

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roomby | 22:35 Thu 22nd Jan 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
Can anyone tell me of a simple free or cheap program that will allow me to record the lectures I attend on my laptop. (I have a good quality plug in mic.) Thanks


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I have found that using a tape of those small fit in your palm is the best way....then when you get to your lptp you just record it thru the mic (you'll need a small connection wire from hdphone on taperecorder to mic plg in laptop. I find some of the free and low price software solutions sometimes leave gaps and take time setting up preferences..bitrate etc. Advantage of using a tape is ...portability...use a backup and still able to load it onto the lptop at your convenience...there thats my two bobs worth.... Audacity and Goldwave are good programs shareware and or the other for recording by the way.
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thanks bluedolphin. I'll check out audacity and goldwave. Has anyone got any tips for recording straight to laptop? Perhaps a program that lets you record in a compact file format (lectures 1-2 hours long!)
Google for 'silent bob' Roomby.

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Laptop sound recording

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