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AOL and Windows XP

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smurfchops | 18:59 Mon 15th Sep 2008 | Technology
24 Answers
AOL has been horrendous lately, keeps crashing when I press certain buttons, and even Microsoft Word is so slow .... is it my PC? It's about five years old now. It takes ages to close down sometimes, even when I press CTRL ALT Delete, it just takes forever I just feel like switching off before it is ready. Do I need an upgrade ?


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That is funny.

There is usually a lot of other symptoms with mucky fans - you hear the fan kicking in a lot, it makes a lot of noise, the casing can feel hotter than normal.

But I'm glad you're sorted. The fan should be cleaned once or twice a year. :)
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Annie I'm glad its not only me although I know just how you feel. My daughter has a laptop and put a new AOL wireless router modem on recently, so we both use the same modem (and of course I pay the bill...) , so we have a new modem and I don't think that is the trouble. I still have trouble opening attachments on emails, do you? Word doesn't seem to like them. Do you get this problem? At least we are not alone !
Hi smurfchops - don't get that problem, but then i have absolutely nothing on my pc now as I had to reload XP and wiped everything of my pc! don't even have any sound drivers left for my speakers, but then I have wiped of all the music so that doesn't really matter too much anymore. Definitely thinking of givig this pc to the kids and buying a new one! Having said that, my 8 year old is desperate for a laptop -what he plans to do with it, I have no idea, although he did talk about "borrowing" my card and buying himself things on-line - this was after him saying that he wants to know my number for the money machine so that he can get the money to buy the laptop. That boy is going to be trouble!!
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Hi Annie, funnily enough I did have an old modem for about four years, then my daughter came back from uni with her wireless router laptop and wanted to use it 'through' my AOl so she phoned them, they sent us a new modem so we can both use AOL together, one PC and one laptop. I wonder if that is part of the problem? Only had it a couple of months. I find that getting onto websites through Mozilla Firefox, it is less likely to crash when opening sites like ebay. Don't know why. I just put it all down to AOL.

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