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What is the least secure communication method?

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brawburd | 21:43 Mon 27th Sep 2004 | Technology
5 Answers
E-mail Telephone Mobile Telephone


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I'd take a guess at e-mail. they can be hacked, as well as sent to other people by mistake. You also forgot to mention 'female'. This is DEFINITELY the least secure! Already hal-way through the door with my coat LOL..............................
None are securedagainst someone with the right equipment. All of these methods travel along the same wires at some point.
GAB brawburd. I would opt for mobile telephone, because these can even be intercepted by accident, on radios etc. At least with email you can encrypt them, and telephone has to be very deliberately tapped. I guess it depends whether you want absolute privacy against deliberate action, or just to reduce the risk of accidental eavesdropping. Is there something you aren't telling us here? ;o)
The least secure is talking on an analogue cordless telephone (the fairly cheap ones with the aerials). These can be picked up by anybody on a readily available scanner radio.The better radios can decode the phone tones also so a snooper could see who you're calling (don't ever use these for telebanking!) The DECT digital cordless phones are much better for privacy since (for a start) they work on a much higher frequency requiring a more expensive radio. Mobiles in Europe are all GSM digital and are encrypted as a matter of course. They are decodable by security services though, but not by a normal/casual hacker. Normal email is readily readable if you have access to the right stuff. If you were looking to keep your communications private, the most secure way I could think of is by encrypting my email with Pretty Good Privacy. I don't think this has been cracked yet. PS: I'm not really that paranoid!?
Philtaz that's out of order...we females are not all gossips!!! By the way how's that spaniel of yours doing!!!! :-)

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What is the least secure communication method?

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