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Forgotten computer password

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netibiza | 14:22 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | Technology
21 Answers
My friend who is even more ignorant of computers that ! am, has forgotten his password and can't get into his computer. He has Windows Vista. He normally leaves it on 24/7 but due to a power cut, it went off, any ideas as to how he can bypass the password. He has asked a computer company in town but they say they also need to know the password!! Believe me this is genuine, we are not hackers!!


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email me and i will tell you how to get in.not going to post the way to do it on here because as you say some people may not be genuine.
i have a way to let you back in system and able to change password
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cleggie; here is my email; [email protected], I wait to hear from you, and thank you so much.
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Um - he may have windows xp, so will it be the same?
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Only a few days ago, I forgot my windows vista administrator password. I solved the problem with the help of Windows Password Seeker. Not only work on XP/Vista/2000/NT, but also compatible with windows 7, I tested it on my pc installed with Windows 7 and remove the local user and admin accounts password successfully. It’s worth a try. You can download it from:
A couple of days ago, I forgot my windows vista administrator passwords. I solved the trouble with the help of Windows Password Seeker. Not only work on XP/Vista/2000/NT, but also compatible with windows 7, I tested it on my laptop installed with Windows 7 and remove the local user and admin accounts password successfully. It’s worth trying.
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There is a very easy and safe solution to retrieve Windows login Passwords required no reinstalling anything and no computer skills. The software is Windows Password Seeker which has been recommend at It can retrieve all Windows logon Password on any Windows versions. You can access to Windows just within five minutes. It's worth a try,
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Forgotten computer password

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