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Mctavish | 19:56 Thu 03rd Sep 2009 | Technology
3 Answers
i have a couple of VCR\'s that I want to put on to CD\'s..
Can anyone tell me the best place to take these to have them transfered.


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I think you mean on to DVDs not CDs.

If you have a VHS player and a DVD recorder (or know anyone who does) then it is very easy to do.

I am transferring all my personal VHS tapes to DVD just by connecting my VHS player to my DVD recorder.

I have in the past used this firm to transfer my cine films onto DVD, and they do an excellent job, they do much work for the BBC and ITV.

They also transfer VHS to DVD, see link above.
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AVG - yes it is to DVD's. Thanks for your reply but unfortunately don't know any one with a DVD Recorder.

anotheroldgit - Thanks also for your reply and the link. I've made a note of it and will contact them.
It is a tape recording of my daughter's wedding which was professionally done and which includes the voice of my late husband so it is rather special.

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