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simple programming

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mr. piper | 12:22 Mon 10th Jan 2005 | Technology
3 Answers
in the days of the speccy, i used to sit for days writing spectrum basic routines, just to draw a house or whatever. when i bought subsequent pc's, it was not a feature to be able to write prog's. is their a way on a P111 to do this?


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It's not as straight forward as it used to be (ahhh Electron reminiscing.... mmmm).  You can't type in a program and hit RUN.  DOS used to come with something called QBasic, but I don't think it's part of Windows anymore.  You can probably download it from somewhere though. 


I program Windows with Visual Studio .NET which, for the home programmer looking to draw a house, might be a bit overkill.  Also, the days of Draw(0,0,100,100) drawing a line on a screen are long gone.  We have to contend with either DirectX or the windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface).


If you're looking to program speccy things again, then maybe a speccy emulator is what you want (


Good luck!

You CAN still use the draw function in .net, but its uses are limited. If you wanna start modern programming, start with something simple like java to get a taste for programming, and an insight into object oriented programming, then you can try something like C++ or C#. There are many many routes you can take tho. I started with java for about 2 years, and have recently qualified in

OBonio, write a visual basic program in Visual Studio, press F5 and see what happens... You will find that the program.. runs!

Not with my coding it wouldn't ;o).  Big difference between the pseudo-compiled code that VS produces and the interpreted code of speccy BASIC.


Anyway, please note the title of the question.  How you can recommend OO and C++ with that in mind is beyond me.  Visual Basic is as far as I would go.

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